The News Thread

haha now im watching all of our "non-bias" local news networks trash Trump again. I honestly cant believe there are morons out there who actually think the media plays it right down the middle. Those people are either genuine idiots or genuine liars. But im pretty sure its the latter.

Chris Matthews talking with Nina Turner tried to compare Bernie's campaign promises (universal healthcare, free college etc) to what Bloomberg is doing (dropping $300k on the DNC so they'd change their debate rules, spending millions in advertising (more than HRC spent on her entire election campaign lmao) to make up for the fact that he has no real support base).

Even if you completely disagree with Bernie's plans I still don't see how you could conflate the two. Laziest most hamfisted attempt at a gotcha moment I've seen in a hot minute.
That dudes PR man said Mike wasn't a flat earther he just pretended to be one to take flat earthers money. If I was doing something so stupid I'd tell my PR guy to tell the media that too. But flat earther or not the guy decided he could get in a $30K rocket and fly, that's flat earth level stupid anyway.
Tulsi Gabbard: Presidential candidates must also condemn election interference by US intelligence agencies.
Reckless claims by anonymous intelligence officials that Russia is “helping” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) are deeply irresponsible. So was former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s calculated decision Tuesday to repeat this unsubstantiated accusation on the debate stage in South Carolina. Enough is enough. I am calling on all presidential candidates to stop playing these dangerous political games and immediately condemn any interference in our elections by out-of-control intelligence agencies.

A “news article” published last week in the Washington Post, which set off yet another manufactured media firestorm, alleges that the goal of Russia is to trick people into criticizing establishment Democrats. This is a laughably obvious ploy to stifle legitimate criticism and cast aspersions on Americans who are rightly skeptical of the powerful forces exerting control over the primary election process. We are told the aim of Russia is to “sow division,” but the aim of corporate media and self-serving politicians pushing this narrative is clearly to sow division of their own — by generating baseless suspicion against the Sanders campaign.
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