The News Thread

We deported some father of a footballer before the grand final a few years back and it made news all over the place because it was unfair not to let a guy with OMC connections who had been in and out of jail watch his son play in his first grand final. The same son who'd been reprimanded several times throughout his career for having associations with OMC members. I don't know if Mr Potatohead Dutton chose his time to deport the guy just as his son's team got in the grand final or if it was just how the timing worked but it was big news and I believe two years later when the same team got back into the grand final dad was here to see the game anyway, and that year they won.

I don't know how many others are being deported but honestly there should be a line at the airport a mile long....and even though his not a Kiwi ScoMo should be at the front of the line.
Geezus that's hardly going to make a dent in the number that are here.

It's kind of stupid really, crims are crims and should be treated as such, but it was only 20 years ago (or thereabouts) where travel between the two countries was almost Visa free, yet now we are sending the ones we don't like home.
The SC victory was well-assumed though. They're a fairly deep-red state that Democrats never win, and there is also a particularly strong establishment grip there (Ron Paul, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders were all heavily booed during their respective rigged South Carolina debates). It's hilarious to see MSNBC cherry-pick SC blacks as representative of all blacks, when nationally Sanders still does best with blacks of all the candidates, and when Southern blacks' votes are effectively meaningless anyways.

Also, saw this on /pol/, a good bit of schadenfreude:
Biden does well specifically with southern blacks, but he also dominated with whites in SC. Polls break down specifically that he did best with undereducated blacks and whites and it wasn't even a close one.
Yeah but that's not too surprising. The Dem party is rapidly moving to the left, and Southern Dems can't keep up. South Carolina Democrats made up 1.3% of the Democratic electorate in 2016, a state HRC lost by 14 points. There are different kinds of low-education demographics, and it's the old ones in SC that particularly helped Biden. Sanders can afford to lose some blue dog boomers if he makes up for it with low-education Hispanics, which he seems to be doing in states where they are a sizeable demographic.
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Coronavirus: Outbreak spreads in Europe from Italy

The news is full of this so here's a repost. There are now deaths in Italy and France, first cases in Austria. Getting close to my town every day. :yow:

Yeaaaah, so, my university stopped lectures for two days because we're super lucky and one of the first three infected in the country is a professor there. I doubt it will stop with just the two days break.

I'm sure my workplace will remain unaffected so I should be fine going to work with no issues.

We were planning to go abroad for the easter holidays but with these procedures being implemented everywhere around the continent, I refuse to buy plane tickets in advance. I'm not scared of catching the virus but I think the services will be very limited everywhere.
As always in bourgeois electoral politics, this is as much about the money as it is about the votes. Biden's cratering support through the winter had made the question, "Can he get to and through Super Tuesday in position to contest the primary through to the convention." The SC win likely answered that question from a pure vote-share viability perspective, but the often unacknowledged structural weakness of his campaign has been that it hasn't been raising money at nearly the clip necessary. By dropping out when he did, Mayor Pete likely shifts much of his powerful donor base to Biden, possibly enabling a last minute ad blitz in key Super Tuesday contests as well as allowing him to aggressively contest the post-Super Tuesday states in a way he otherwise might not have been able to. It makes it much more likely that we get to a convention without any candidate possessing the necessary majority of pledged delegates to win on the first ballot, and much, much more likely that we get a contested convention where Biden's share of the pledged delegates is high enough to provide sufficient political cover for the Party leadership to feel it is positioned to screw Bernie over in favor of Uncle Joe.
Elizabeth Warren can't seem to stop herself from constantly smearing Bernie, and because he's a cuck he won't retaliate and demolish that dumb bitch. It's actually kind of amazing to witness.

Wtf is wrong with this? She's literally calling out a Bernie bro for accusing her of something that Bernie was already doing. As far as I'm concerned, she's playing the game. If everyone else is doing it, then why shouldn't she? I'm fine with her changing her position on something that's going to hold her back against her competitors.

Bernie won't retaliate because he knows can't demolish that "dumb bitch." She's smarter than he is, her memory's better, and she's sharper when it comes to spontaneous criticism.