The News Thread

oh look, our buddy who only has about a handful of working brain cells is chiming in again. When have the republicans used an epidemic solely for the purpose of attacking the other side, or more specifically a sitting president?

EDIT: oh yeah ..... i forgot about President Ebola, lol. Regardless though, its a disgusting strategy regardless of where its coming from.
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Lets not pretend that the left politicizing/weaponizing and using it against the Trump administration didnt/isn't happening. The funniest part was everyone expected it to happen, and it did. The democrats are the true virus here.

Ugh, so dramatic. The president tasked Pence with leading the initiative; he weaponized it against himself when he pulled that bullshit.
CNN: Michael Bloomberg ends 2020 presidential campaign and endorses Joe Biden.
Michael Bloomberg ended his presidential campaign on Wednesday and endorsed Joe Biden, closing out a costly run that saw the former New York mayor spend hundreds of millions of his own money to fund his late entry bid.

Bloomberg exits the race the day after a disappointing showing on Super Tuesday that left him with only a single victory: American Samoa.
Bloomberg said he got into the race "to defeat Donald Trump" and was "leaving for the same reason."

"I've always believed that defeating Donald Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it. After yesterday's vote, it is clear that candidate is my friend and a great American, Joe Biden," he wrote in a press release.
I think Warren’s out. My next choice is Sanders, but he terrifies suburban moderates. Black voters tend to favor candidates they know and who have cultivated relationships with the black community, meaning Biden has the edge there. Looking like it might be a battle between two old morons.
Elizabeth Warren Has Hit Democrats' Presidential Glass Ceiling: Maybe Next Time, Ladies.
And so, after all the tumult, the Democratic race has come down to this: two straight white septuagenarian men fighting over the soul of the party — whatever that turns out to be.

Let us state that Mr. Biden and Mr. Sanders have many fine qualities. Either would make a better president than the unstable man-child currently degrading the office. That said, for the party of progress, youth and diversity, a final face-off between two lifelong politicians born during World War II leaves much to be desired. And it says something depressing about the challenges women candidates still confront in their quest to shatter the presidential glass ceiling.

And the salt begins.
Warren's only just beginning. Super Tuesday is quite South-slanted and many future states are much better for Sanders in theory, which means all the more votes for her to steal from him. She won't rest until he has lost every remaining state he had won in 2016 against Clinton. And when the debate comes next week and everyone is kicking Sanders while he's down, he won't say one DAMN(tm) thing negative about her out of fear of being labeled a sexist again, like the absolute cuck he is.
While America is inundated with political shit in this country people are afraid to shit because there is no bog roll left at the stores. Aussies don't even care that their politicians are full of shit and can't believed, it's not even news worthy anymore, but wiping your arse on a tea towel is a real fear.
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What's happening there? Is it related to the fire?

EDIT: Oh, coronavirus and Chinese transplants, I'm guessing
The mask thing has been happening for a few weeks and now they are saying that Dentists could be shutting up temporarily because they can't access masks. But this dunny roll thing is media driven, the idiots took what stocks they had then the media scaremongered the rest of it. The factories here have dunny roll stock for the country for more than 3 years but the stores can't keep it on the shelf because of the sheeple who listen to the news.
I'm not sure why they stockpile anything, if we get to a stage where we are too scared to leave the house I'm sure there is something people can use as an alternative for bog roll.
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My brother used to work for the paper mill, I've got reams and reams of copy paper, if I get desperate I'll limit the kids to A6 size!
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