The mask thing has been happening for a few weeks and now they are saying that Dentists could be shutting up temporarily because they can't access masks. But this dunny roll thing is media driven, the idiots took what stocks they had then the media scaremongered the rest of it. The factories here have dunny roll stock for the country for more than 3 years but the stores can't keep it on the shelf because of the sheeple who listen to the news.
I think Warren’s out.
Warren's only just beginning. Super Tuesday is quite South-slanted and many future states are much better for Sanders in theory, which means all the more votes for her to steal from him. She won't rest until he has lost every remaining state he had won in 2016 against Clinton. And when the debate comes next week and everyone is kicking Sanders while he's down, he won't say one DAMN(tm) thing negative about her out of fear of being labeled a sexist again, like the absolute cuck he is.
Happy to be wrong wrt Warren. Unless she endorses Biden, then lol.
they've already lost their minds. Did you see some of the shit they were pumping out after Biden took South Carolina?It's going to be so fucking hilarious if that happens. The #Bros will lose their minds.
they've already lost their minds. Did you see some of the shit they were pumping out after Biden took South Carolina?
shows just how rabid this dudes base is.
and many more good ones here...
or maybe they're legit Bernie Bros who dont want to want to burn themselves(give up their names) s they;re using rogue accounts?tbh, there are coordinated efforts on /pol/ and elsewhere to larp as Berniebros and spread racist dogwhistles, on the hopes that the media picks it up and only shits on Sanders harder. Some of those posts are probably legit, but the ones under 'Throwaway' accounts are going to largely be trolling, especially the ones about needing to "mobilize and discourage certain black voters from turning out".
I can't wait to witness Trump's public execution of Babbling Biden.