The News Thread

:rolleyes: You two crack me up sometimes.

It’s a jab at republican self-contradiction. Clearly it’s not socialism; but then, neither is providing federal aid for low-income people. But republicans have no problem calling the latter socialism, while the former is just good ol’ fashioned neoliberal capitalism.

I am amazed that you shared the same response of a 16 year old first discovering politics

I’m amazed that you wrote a cogent sentence.
It’s a jab at republican self-contradiction. Clearly it’s not socialism; but then, neither is providing federal aid for low-income people. But republicans have no problem calling the latter socialism, while the former is just good ol’ fashioned neoliberal capitalism.

omg contradiction in politics??? what is this world coming too!!!!!
Another cogent post. You’re on a roll today.

You’re both letting my fairly lame post get in the way of bigger news. The government is seeking federal aid for oil and gas companies. We already subsidize the shit out of them, and now the fossil economy needs an extra helping hand. Welcome to disaster capitalism (although we’ve been in disaster mode for decades now).
Me commenting on it =/= me not knowing it was already happening or bound to happen. I'm not even surprised; but that doesn't mean there's no reason to mention it or comment on it.

You seem to think that obviousness means it's not worth discussing. In which case, I'm truly surprised at how apathetic you are.
... calm down there little fella.


how come i dont hear you talking about the payroll tax cut the Trumpster is gonna give everyone? Oh yea, because you're a bias bitch. I should just call you Double B from now on.
The obvious reason for protecting shale fracking companies is that they comprise a fairly large chunk of the USA's exports, and that lots of (Republican-voting) jobs are at stake as well. That's not even really neoliberal, considering protectionism goes back in our history to guys like Hamilton, and neoliberalism is basically the exact opposite of that (e.g. "cheapest goods and highest GDP = best, trade barriers and borders = bust"). Same thing that happened with farmers during Trump's trade war.