The News Thread

Michael Savage is probably the only older/boomer conservative that has it right on the coronavirus. I'm not a world-is-ending conspiracy theorist and I think it's very possible that it will turn out to be a non-issue like the bird flu and etc, but stopping epidemics is not only a valid function of government in the eyes of basically anyone that isn't ancap, it's also basic closed-borders politics that should bolster support for keep outsiders out. Dems are wise to attack Trump on this issue tbh.

See today's economic news (which admittedly is compounded by oil issues) for another reason why Trump is a complete retard for downplaying things. Now he's unconsciously admitting that the virus in in fact quite a lot deadlier than the regular flu as well on Twitter. He had an easy in for controlling the narrative and he threw it away to not endanger the recent Chinese trade ceasefire. Things could recover quickly before November but he deserves his loss if his admin doesn't get shit under control.
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If Warren endorses anybody at the last minute, it will be Biden. Lending progressive legitimacy to Biden would be beneficial to Warren and Biden, both in that it would help defeat Bernie and it would give Warren some leverage with Biden's office.

If she endorses Bernie I'll be genuinely shocked.
I don't think she'll endorse anybody, but if she does I think she'll go with the establishment candidate. Also a recent poll shows Biden's popularity increased when she dropped out, which indicates many of her supporters didn't line up behind the next most similar candidate; Bernie.
Elizabeth Warren did better with college-educated white men than with working-class women.
Many Democratic women were devastated by Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s departure from the presidential race, and they suspect that sexism played a role: Misogyny exists in American life and in important American institutions, therefore misogyny was a factor in Warren’s presidential campaign — QED.

But many of the postmortem takes on Warren’s campaign miss an important fact about sexism and voting patterns. It’s true that Warren had a problem getting enough men to vote for her, particularly men without college degrees. But she also performed poorly among women without college degrees.

Women are a clear majority of the Democratic primary electorate. If women had lined up behind her as a bloc, she would be the nominee. While no candidate wins any demographic universally, Warren didn’t come close with women. The stronger predictor of who supported her and who didn’t was education, not gender.
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