The News Thread

..... deconstructing you was fun. Watching what it's done to you is even funner! :lol:

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Sums up my thoughts pretty well too. Bloomberg is taking full advantage of the desperation to defeat Trump by any means necessary, he knows there's a large segment of Democratic voters who don't care about the differences between candidates they just want to beat Trump, and so he's not even running on any kind of policy whatsoever. Also Bloomberg has already spent 400+ million on ads alone, holy fuck.
i guess i really do need to sit you on my lap and explain things. Here, let me try and keep this simple .... i wouldn't want to raise my kids anywhere where pretending to be the opposite sex is slowly turning into the norm, and even encouraged in some parts. We have cities in this state that are run by full on gay/trans governments(like Palm Springs for example) who have been pushing their agendas into every corner of society/culture down here ... including the school systems. A 10 year old kid shouldnt even know what a transsexual is ... but yet we have them out here being dragged out to parades where sick perverts are walking around in whips and chains. You have full blown trannies and drag queens reading them stories in grade school. Just about everything that is wrong with this nation basically comes out of this disgusting shithole of a state.

Hahah, great. A peek into the rabbit hole. So what you're saying is basically there's some conspiration and anyone who is gay is automatically part of it and what they want is, obviously, to genocide heterosexuals and that's what you're afraid of?

If so, that reminds me of Russian propaganda and conspiration theories used by far-right politicians in eastern Europe so I don't really have to be in California to be familiar with this shit.

wut wot? I mean, you dont realize how ridiculous your question was? "Whats wrong with them existing"? I dont know whether to call you a retard or just scratch this off to you not being familiar with California. But i'm gonna go with the latter since since you deiced to picke out and respond to just one part of my post and ignore the rest.

You can call me a retard all you want, you've done that many times already and it was always super effective (iirc). :rolleyes:
Smh ........................

I was hoping for you to elaborate on your theories some more tbh. Would that be at all possible? I can take all the insults that come with it, just tell me some more about what worries you about seeing gay people in your state. I'd be ok with 10 to 1 insult / conspiracy theory ratio (but I will continue not quoting the insults because they seem to clutter the thread a little).

Firstly, why do those terrifying homos impose transsexuality on everyone? What do they gain by genociding the poor heterosexuals? Also, I was wondering - do you actually know any gay people irl? :yow:
He avoids them like the plague--can't be catching that shit!

That figures, but it's hardly enough protection in times when homosexuals ruin entire families over long distances. Apparently they call this hideous practice coming out. BEWARE.
Shit like that always behooves me to arm myself to the teeth when I go out in public even further. It seems like you really just never know when shit like this will go down...RIP to the victims.
i guess i really do need to sit you on my lap and explain things. Here, let me try and keep this simple .... i wouldn't want to raise my kids anywhere where pretending to be the opposite sex is slowly turning into the norm, and even encouraged in some parts. We have cities in this state that are run by full on gay/trans governments(like Palm Springs for example) who have been pushing their agendas into every corner of society/culture down here ... including the school systems. A 10 year old kid shouldnt even know what a transsexual is ... but yet we have them out here being dragged out to parades where sick perverts are walking around in whips and chains. You have full blown trannies and drag queens reading them stories in grade school. Just about everything that is wrong with this nation basically comes out of this disgusting shithole of a state.

wut wot? I mean, you dont realize how ridiculous your question was? "Whats wrong with them existing"? I dont know whether to call you a retard or just scratch this off to you not being familiar with California. But i'm gonna go with the latter since since you deiced to picke out and respond to just one part of my post and ignore the rest.

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Many people are saying Warren won the Nevada debate, and I think it's basically a fact that she only had a good night because Bloomberg was there to be a punching bag. Given how wealthy and immune to public backlash he is (he has literal "go fuck yourself and jump off a cliff" money) my tinfoil side thinks maybe he joined the race so Warren could rebound back into the top-tier candidate category. Probably not but I really think so little of the DNC at this point that I'm not ruling it out.

I loved that Mayor Buttbandit basically hit Bernie with some redbaiting. This shit is glorious, like HBB said a few pages back, they're absolutely going to steal this from Bernie.

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I only caught the second half of the debate, but I didn't think that Berg did that horribly. The main reason to take him out imo is just because 1) he's stealing votes from Biden and other non-Sanders Dems, which makes it much harder for a brokered convention to skip Sanders, and 2) he's proudly attacking Sanders which will only make the Sanders supporters angrier in the general. The media didn't seem to care much about Berg's past controversial statements until after the debate, and not that many people actually even watch the debates, so imo if the next wave of polling shows that Berg holds relatively steady, they'll forget that this debate even happened and legitimately try to promote him as the "best man to take on Trump" or whatever.

EDIT: nvm didn't see the NDA part, that was brutal.

EDIT #2: Saagar's bit on the brokered convention was great, but it's not accurate to call it unprecedented. Just in 2008, Obama won the delegates while losing the popular vote to HRC, and brokered conventions were extremely common pre-Great Depression. But if this became a brokered convention, it would be the most public brokered convention in American history, the electoral equivalent of My Lai hitting the American media.

EDIT #3: nvm again, loose on the facts, forgot that 2008 technically wasn't brokered but it involved HRC losing the delegates of two states she had won, which ended up inching Obama to victory. Apparently the last time it has happened was in 1952, so yeah almost 70 years later would be pretty crazy.
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