The News Thread

That’s not at all what I said. A senator has the option to abstain; the president doesn’t. It isn’t really a “move” when it’s structurally mandated.

But this is a dumb argument. I don’t think it’s worth praising Trump for this. He had two options and picked one. Big whoop.

How are vetoes "structurally mandated"? Some presidents have issued several hundred, others never issued any. It's an explicit discretionary power of presidents, and while Trump is relatively lazy overall using the veto pen, his use of it now has potentially significant and positive ramifications. By contrast, I'm pretty sure abstention isn't an explicit choice written into the Constitution; it's obviously not illegal to be absent for votes in Congress, but it's certainly less of a move to not move your hand than it is to cast a veto.
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:lol: Another one of the reasons why i cant respect you. No one over here(CIG, HBB, dak etc) except for you blindly follows one side and condemns the other. Everyone here has no problem with criticizing him when need be and praising him when he does right. Your opinions are driven by the party you're "loyal" to. You're far form being a man in my eyes.

Anyway, he is the greatest president this country has had in about 30 years.
Your opinions are driven by the party you're "loyal" to. You're far form being a man in my eyes.

I don’t care.

I stand corrected! I wondered if there was something like this, but didn’t bother to search.

He made a symbolic gesture by doing something, but no real material difference. He could have done “nothing” and the outcome would have been the same. I don’t applaud his decision because it achieves nothing substantive in terms of rolling back the PA. It forecloses some extensions of power in the bill, but sanctions other already existing powers. It would be different if he signed a bill that significantly rolled back PA oversight.
Twitter's doubling down, they just censored that tweet for "glorifying violence" (all the while thousands of antifa do just that). :lol:
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I didn't read the details, I think with the explaining that's going to have to come from her camp with this shit going on makes her a pretty bad VP candidate for Joe. Dude apparently shot and killed like 4 dudes during his time as a cop
Oh cmon man at least look into this stuff before blindly tossing bullshit out there. He didnt kill 4 people. I think Floyd would be the second person he killed, first one being the dude that him and a few other cops opened fire on after he pointed a shotgun at them. The second incident was a guy who reached for his gun and Chavin shot in the stomach twice.. he survived and was charged with numerous felonies. And the third was a guy named Leroy Martinez, who was shot by another cop(who Chauvin happened to be with) .. and the dude survived.

i mean does it even really matter? Does anyone in the right state of mind think that Joe Biden actually has a chance of winning?