The News Thread

It's ok to not understand why black people don't believe he's going to get arrested nor sentenced nor see structural changes. You think they are the reason things aren't changing, not that people in power are fundamentally dumb and/or prejudiced against black people

I see you struggle with race, "white, black or Chinese " :lol: and "African American community" , didn't realize you were an old white man cosplaying as an armenian
since you're a smooth brained idiot i guess its ok to not understand why any criminal wouldn't think they're going to get a fair sentence. But its not ok to blame everything on race like you people usually do. Tbh all it does is point out just how much give and take you guys ave actualy had in said communities. "My one black friend in the army told me he would kill people for pizza" :lol: i laugh at people like you who im almost sure have never in their lives lived anywhere near communities made up of the same minorities you think youre standing up for.

And lol at implying that Armenians arent racially white. :lol: Not only are we literally "whiter" than jews, italians, greeks and a bunch of other races that pretty much define the word nowadays, but we are one of the oldest "white" races. The terms Caucasian and even Aryan comes from our region. But yeah, what would a pea brained nitwit life yourself know?

"white, black or Chinese " :lol:
im sorry you had trouble with that, shoulda used yellow instead of chinese to make it clearer for you.
I ain't standing up for anyone ya doofus. You're being a dummy acting like asking for the cop to be arrested is somehow not fixing the system :lol: fucking short sighted dummy

Yellow! There ya go. You can say black ya know, it's not derogatory and they won't beat you up for saying it :lol:
I ain't standing up for anyone ya doofus. You're being a dummy acting like asking for the cop to be arrested is somehow not fixing the system :lol: fucking short sighted dummy
lmao what a dumbass. I already said the cops should be arrested before anyone else here did. How many times do i need to point out the part of my post that you quoted was about something else? Something i already mentioned numerous times. God you're so fucking slow. The mans body was still warm and they were using the fact that he's black to push their agendas and continue to divide this country. BLACK MAN HAS BEEN MURDERED. COPS KILLED BLACK MAN instead of MAN HAS BEEN MURDERED BY POLICE is literally how every news story on it started. If you think the media machine and the politicians that have systematical weaponized the media actually care about minorities then you're more of an idiot than i think your are ... and im not sure that's even possible.

Yellow! There ya go. You can say black ya know, it's not derogatory and they won't beat you up for saying it :lol:
You should tell this to your butt buddy ein. I've said "black" at least a dozen or so times in just my last few posts. Only time i used "african american community" was in direct response to ein when he used it. Get your head checked brah
The three-strikes law applies differently depending on state, but it's entirely possible for someone convicted of a violent crime to serve less time than someone convicted of a non-violent felony charge for the third time. There are thousands of inmates serving life sentences with no chance of parole for non-violent crimes. A lot has been reported on this.

Whether race factors into it or not can be debated, but there's a lot of evidence to suggest that it does:

Interesting that females of all races received shorter sentences than white male offenders, not that it was a surprise to me, but the racial stats are used to imply racism, so what is the spin for that information I wonder. :D

It's obvious I think, that a big part of why this disparity exists at all levels of 'similarly situated' black vs white offenders is access to legal aid. Blacks on average are poorer than whites, therefore their access on average will be limited by comparison.

When it comes to police brutality, setting aside any racism that exists, I see procedure as being a massive issue. This inflexible adherence to procedure that ignores the need for instinct and fluidity in the field. If a guy is saying "I can't breathe" as your knee is on his neck, it should be okay for the guy to take his knee off and re-evaluate the situation. Instead they just filter out all non-police information like some kind of retarded method actor.

I think this plays a bigger role in these deaths and murders we see than racism, because it explains why non-white cops act this way too.
Interesting that females of all races received shorter sentences than white male offenders, not that it was a surprise to me, but the racial stats are used to imply racism, so what is the spin for that information I wonder. :D

Oh, I don't doubt that male judges look at jailbait and adopt some kind of savior complex. But that's psychologizing, and I should abstain...

It's obvious I think, that a big part of why this disparity exists at all levels of 'similarly situated' black vs white offenders is access to legal aid. Blacks on average are poorer than whites, therefore their access on average will be limited by comparison.

I agree 100%. The issue then becomes how fair and equal representation can be provided regardless of whether a defendant can afford it. Personally, I don't think quality of representation should be determined by how rich your daddy is.

I think it's sometimes inferred that I privilege race over class, but I don't think you can separate them. Racism, as I invoke it, often implies class disparity.

When it comes to police brutality, setting aside any racism that exists, I see procedure as being a massive issue. This inflexible adherence to procedure that ignores the need for instinct and fluidity in the field. If a guy is saying "I can't breathe" as your knee is on his neck, it should be okay for the guy to take his knee off and re-evaluate the situation. Instead they just filter out all non-police information like some kind of retarded method actor.

I think this plays a bigger role in these deaths and murders we see than racism, because it explains why non-white cops act this way too.

Non-white cops can be assholes, but the idea of a racist system works in ways that transcend individual intent. In a cultural hegemony, values that benefit one group (usually higher up the social ladder) can trickle down (so to speak) to members of a lower group.

Procedural rigidity is likely a part of that.
Oh, I don't doubt that male judges look at jailbait and adopt some kind of savior complex. But that's psychologizing, and I should abstain...

Horny male judges explain all that disparity?


lmao nice try.

I agree 100%. The issue then becomes how fair and equal representation can be provided regardless of whether a defendant can afford it. Personally, I don't think quality of representation should be determined by how rich your daddy is.

I think it's sometimes inferred that I privilege race over class, but I don't think you can separate them. Racism, as I invoke it, often implies class disparity.

I totally disagree here, I think race and class are separate and others are joining them to fit their narratives and arguments. Every ethnic group has its upper and lower classes. Blacks especially are a bleak example of how a relatively small demographic can contain some of the richest people and some of the poorest people within it. The problem with acting like race and class are inseparable is that it really offers nothing to the equation other than a specific kind of rhetorical window dressing.

Especially if you consider the reality of black judges, black police, black politicians passing laws that negatively impact others across class lines, etc.

Non-white cops can be assholes, but the idea of a racist system works in ways that transcend individual intent. In a cultural hegemony, values that benefit one group (usually higher up the social ladder) can trickle down (so to speak) to members of a lower group.

Procedural rigidity is likely a part of that.

I don't buy that, if this is what you're implying, procedural rigidity was crafted with oppression of blacks in mind. I get that a theory such as that makes sense if you already believe a system is itself racist, but you can't really just assume everybody else buys into said theory. Especially because said rigidity also impacts whites and doesn't impact non-white females anywhere near as much.
LA county has a shit ton of black cops and judges. Ive had black cops racially discriminate against me with no shame. Ive had black cops call my mexican friends beaners and even an incident where a large group of people us were arrested under false charges(which eventually got dropped and the cops were shamed by the judge). Most judges ive stood across have been minorities(but im pretty sure that also has to do with where i live). Some of the richest and most successful people out here are black. But yeah, none of that stuff matters to race baiters who live their lives in the suburbs and have never actually been on the streets, dealt with cops or stood in front of judges.
Horny male judges explain all that disparity?

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lmao nice try.

I don't actually think that, I was just being smarmy.

I totally disagree here, I think race and class are separate and others are joining them to fit their narratives and arguments. Every ethnic group has its upper and lower classes. Blacks especially are a bleak example of how a relatively small demographic can contain some of the richest people and some of the poorest people within it. The problem with acting like race and class are inseparable is that it really offers nothing to the equation other than a specific kind of rhetorical window dressing.

Especially if you consider the reality of black judges, black police, black politicians passing laws that negatively impact others across class lines, etc.

We obviously have very different perspectives here, so all I'll do is say that if you're ever interested, there's a book called Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities, by sociologists Etienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein. One of the chapters is called "Class Racism."

I don't buy that, if this is what you're implying, procedural rigidity was crafted with oppression of blacks in mind. I get that a theory such as that makes sense if you already believe a system is itself racist, but you can't really just assume everybody else buys into said theory. Especially because said rigidity also impacts whites and doesn't impact non-white females anywhere near as much.

I wouldn't say it was crafted with race in mind, but that race might play into how cops approach procedure. Brutality is usually white cops--black cops usually stand by and watch. Not always, but usually.
back in 08' a black cop slammed one of my friends head first into the ground and literally broke his neck(c3 or c4 cant remember) and sent him to the hospital. My friend tried to hire a lawyer and fight it and got nothing out of it outside of a hole in his pocket and a fucked up neck for the rest of his life. Not brutal at all amirite? Another incident, we were kids playing basketball at one of the neighborhood parks, cops came down, two black guys ... one of my friends got a little mouthy so i guess the officer wanted to cuff him t teach a lesson ... he twisted his arm so hard to a point where he dislocated it at the elbow. My friend ended up needing surgery and had a cast and sling on for months and was never the same again(he loved playing ball and had dreams of becoming a ball player). He was 14. What people like ein say or think means absolutely nothing to me. I actually find most of the shit he spouts out as pretty damn offensive.
I don't actually think that, I was just being smarmy.

You were being evasive because...


We obviously have very different perspectives here, so all I'll do is say that if you're ever interested, there's a book called Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities, by sociologists Etienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein. One of the chapters is called "Class Racism."

I'm actually familiar with Balibar (and this book but much less so) but not for good reasons lol I really dislike post-Marxists. Let me guess, the book's core thesis is that modern racism is due to capitalism? Anyways I'll track down a PDF of that chapter sometime just for the hell of it.

Brutality is usually white cops--black cops usually stand by and watch. Not always, but usually.

Is this based on anything?
if you're ever interested, there's a book called Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities, by sociologists Etienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein. One of the chapters is called "Class Racism."
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You were being evasive because...

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I was making a joke man. You losing your sense of humor?

I'm actually familiar with Balibar (and this book but much less so) but not for good reasons lol I really dislike post-Marxists. Let me guess, the book's core thesis is that modern racism is due to capitalism? Anyways I'll track down a PDF of that chapter sometime just for the hell of it.

Flip that around: modern Western capitalism only exists because of (colonial) racism. It's baked into the formula.

Is this based on anything?

Video evidence. I assumed that'd be sufficient, what given TB's propensity for personal experience and all.
are you implying that what i said isnt true and that im just randomly putting stories(ones that are rather private but i decided to mention here) together? You think i would make shit like that up about my friends? Dude you're a disgusting human being. I would literally fuck you up worse than any of those brutal cops for implying that i would fabricate stories about my friends being assaulted ... and one almost killed. your are pure trash who genuinely deserves to have his mouth broken.

Video evidence.
yea lets just ignore the fact that weve been implying that the media basically is the voice for one side here and use the videos they circulate on every website and news channel as the sole proof that black cops dont brutalize others. Like i said in my above post, ive been in said situations numerous times and seen it with my own eyes ... you have never been in or witnessed cops beating on anyone. What you say means nothign.
@CiG ein once again proves how racist his outlook on reality is by basically saying ...

white cops = bad, racist, they will brutalize you

black cops = good, not racist, they just stand by and watch

Not always, but usually.

We call that "reading."

are you implying that what i said isnt true and that im just randomly putting stories(ones that are rather private but i decided to mention here) together? You think i would make shit like that up about my friends? Dude you're a disgusting human being. I would literally fuck you up worse than any of those brutal cops for implying that i would fabricate stories about my friends being assaulted ... and one almost killed. your are pure trash who genuinely deserves to have his mouth broken.

That's not at all what I was implying. I was actually implying that your personal anecdotes are true; they just don't matter as much as journalistic documentation or university studies. You scoff at that because you think the media and academia are biased. It's a pickle.

yea lets just ignore the fact that weve been implying that the media basically is the voice for one side here and use the videos they circulate on every website and news channel as the sole proof that black cops dont brutalize others. Like i said in my above post, ive been in said situations numerous times and seen it with my own eyes ... you have never been in or witnessed cops beating on anyone. What you say means nothign.

To my point. You understand very little.
I was making a joke man. You losing your sense of humor?


Flip that around: modern Western capitalism only exists because of (colonial) racism. It's baked into the formula.

Somewhat semantics but fair enough, that's essentially what I figured it would be based on the participation of Balibar. It's obviously not a lie that capitalism comes out of colonialism, no future exists without a context in the past. I'd have to read the chapter to know the details of their thesis though.

Video evidence. I assumed that'd be sufficient, what given TB's propensity for personal experience and all.

I just thought maybe you had some data on it.
they just don't matter as much as journalistic documentation or university studies.

you think the media and academia are biased.

You understand very little.
oh the irony in this coming from someone who sits in his armchair in his little gated suburbia neighborhood and has never actually experienced any of the stuff he is commenting on here. Your thoughts and opinion on this subject means jack shit.
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Somewhat semantics but fair enough, that's essentially what I figured it would be based on the participation of Balibar. It's obviously not a lie that capitalism comes out of colonialism, no future exists without a context in the past. I'd have to read the chapter to know the details of their thesis though.

I just thought maybe you had some data on it.

No data, but this conversation hasn't exactly been what I'd call "scholarly"--my own posts included.

Your thoughts and opinion on this subject means jack shit.

Very convincing.