The News Thread

Man the 20 year old nursing home beating story is fucking bizarre, feels like a /pol/ nightmare fantasy turned real. 20 year old black guy records himself beating old white patients, uploads it to youtube bragging about it, justifies himself saying the whites called him a niqqa, gets doxxed by /pol/, the very next day it gets picked up by fucking Tucker Carlson and then God Emperor Trump himself, and now today the father of the 20 year old claims that 1) his son is mentally ill, 2) his son already had a pending assault case, 3) his son was sent to the nursing home BECAUSE he was infected with corona-chan. Usually I'm not THAT conspiratorial when it comes to Dems or anti-Trump stuff, but why the fuck do Cuomo and Whitmer both have policies of sending sick people to nursing homes? This shit makes no fucking sense unless looked through the lens of them intentionally trying to kill off their elderly to boost those death rates.
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Some potential good news, provided the study wasn't compromised.

Here's the abstract:

An ongoing outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread around the world. It is debatable whether asymptomatic COVID-19 virus carriers are contagious. We report here a case of the asymptomatic patient and present clinical characteristics of 455 contacts, which aims to study the infectivity of asymptomatic carriers.

Material and methods
455 contacts who were exposed to the asymptomatic COVID-19 virus carrier became the subjects of our research. They were divided into three groups: 35 patients, 196 family members and 224 hospital staffs. We extracted their epidemiological information, clinical records, auxiliary examination results and therapeutic schedules.

The median contact time for patients was four days and that for family members was five days. Cardiovascular disease accounted for 25% among original diseases of patients. Apart from hospital staffs, both patients and family members were isolated medically. During the quarantine, seven patients plus one family member appeared new respiratory symptoms, where fever was the most common one. The blood counts in most contacts were within a normal range. All CT images showed no sign of COVID-19 infection. No severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections was detected in 455 contacts by nucleic acid test.

In summary, all the 455 contacts were excluded from SARS-CoV-2 infection and we conclude that the infectivity of some asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers might be weak.
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Because the black guy is board certified retarded and was being housed at a retirement home because he had the ‘rona. Weird story.

we gonna post the video of the white woman calling 911 on a black guy, crying and generally freaking the fuck out while choking the fuck out of her dog because he asked her to put it on a leash too?
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yes i know the story. So what? Are you saying if this was the other way around and if it was a mentally deficient white dude who beat an old black man this wouldn't be on every single news channel?

we gonna post the video of the white woman calling 911 on a black guy, crying and generally freaking the fuck out while choking the fuck out of her dog because he asked her to put it on a leash too?
you would have to be as retarded as the dude in the above video to make this comparison. And btw that one actually did make a shit load of news channels, so again your response is beyond retarded here. Its been less than a day and even garbage leftist sites/shows like TMZ already posted that shit.
The white woman should be charged with abuse of emergency services, filing false police reports, and maybe animal abuse for good measure. What she attempted was worse than most attempted violent felonies. Just another side-effect of the police state where every entitled asshole uses the thugs in blue as their own personal army.
... yeah pretty much.

And the black dude from that nursing home video should be put to sleep. We shouldn't be paying for people like that to be housed and fed.

Again, my main point is that i find it amazing that anything involving black people doing wrong gets washed away and yet were still hearing shit like "run with ahmad". That cemetery shooting barely got any news time either.
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I basically agree with that. It's notable that the Micah Johnson spree-shooting was probably the strongest stance that the media ever took against a black criminal along political lines, and that was largely due to 1) the shooting being motivated by a hatred of cops, and 2) Obama himself flying to Dallas to try and play mediator (during which he pulled a "both sides" and wasn't at all criticized, in stark contrast to Charlottesville and Trump). On the other hand, I didn't even learn about the Budweiser plant shooting (where a black guy killed several white co-workers with explicit racial motivation) until years after it happened. The national media is basically just an extension of our government and exists to make what should be one-day stories endless, resulting in even more cop presence, even more FBI entrapment plots, etc.

EDIT: Oh, worth pointing out that the Karen in the story was apparently a firm DNC donor, giving money to Obama, John Kerry, Mayor Butt, and others. Not too surprising considering the location, but still.
yes i know the story. So what? Are you saying if this was the other way around and if it was a mentally deficient white dude who beat an old black man this wouldn't be on every single news channel?

who said even anything remotely like that? Retarded people get a free pass, it’s nothing new. You’re only mentioning it because he’s black. The question should be why the fuck was a violent retard put in a retirement home because he had coronavirus.

this happened right here a while back:

retard almost raped a little boy in the bathroom of Walmart and his handler was charged, not him.
Are you saying if this was the other way around and if it was a mentally deficient white dude who beat an old black man this wouldn't be on every single news channel?

who said even anything remotely like that?

... if you agree then shut your fat mushroom ingesting mouth. That's pretty much the only point i was making here. That blacks get passes that whites don't. A white person(retarded or not) would have been persecuted by the bias media machine for this.

You’re only mentioning it because he’s black..

i find it amazing that anything involving black people doing wrong gets washed away

Again, are you retarded? I already made it clear why i'm mentioning him ... more than once.
blacks get passes that whites don't.

who said even anything remotely like that? Retarded people get a free pass, it’s nothing new. You’re only mentioning it because he’s black. The question should be why the fuck was a violent retard put in a retirement home because he had coronavirus.

this happened right here a while back:

retard almost raped a little boy in the bathroom of Walmart and his handler was charged, not him.

WaPo and NYT regularly report on "thwarted white supremacy terrorist plots", which are in fact entrapment ploys where they contact autists on neo-Nazi Discord servers, hype them up, give the young tards a dud bomb, and then arrest them to face long federal sentences. To be fair, the FBI had already mastered this technique on Muslims a decade prior so it's not exactly an anti-white thing, but if it would cause a shitstorm if they tried the same on blacks today.

The nursery home abuser didn't seem like he was totally insane or anything either. He spoke in comprehensible English, he argued with people in the comment sections of his videos, etc. Obviously wasn't remotely intelligent but it's not like he had Down's syndrome. Half the country is diagnosed with some kind of mental defect anyways.
.... wouldn't be surprised if they "turned him" into a retard after all of this went down.

And he shouldn't have been there in the first place anyway... and again, that WONT HELP GET THIS STORY ANY MORE ATTENTION BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. Had to put that in caps for the rather slow folk around here.
Seems like a good chunk of white male shooters are suffering from mental health issues, doesn't stop the media and the idpol community from branding it a white problem.

Also the "retard" stole the victim's credit card, what was he planning to use it on, a Lego set and some toy trains?
The white woman should be charged with abuse of emergency services, filing false police reports, and maybe animal abuse for good measure. What she attempted was worse than most attempted violent felonies. Just another side-effect of the police state where every entitled asshole uses the thugs in blue as their own personal army.
I don't get how you're.not cool with Karen but cool with Georgia wanna be cops
I don't get how you're.not cool with Karen but cool with Georgia wanna be cops

The "wannabe cops" observed a crime, pursued the criminal, were assaulted, and then defended themselves.

Karen observed an observer, threatened him, attempted to assault him by cop proxy, and cried about being the victim.

Karen and Arbery have far more in common with each other than she does with the wannabe cops.