The News Thread

You're literally saying that they had no right to approach the jogger. What don't you get?
they approached with him the intention of doing a citizen's arrest. you're dishonest as hell

Again, retards like Ein will imply its racial or whatnot, but why would anyone be surprised that a guy who shot at cops got killed? "becuz he black".

as the cops walked to his body, the recording has "looks like a closed casket, homie"
as the cops walked to his body, the recording has "looks like a closed casket, homie"
:lol: You dont think a person who said they watched the video and read articles on it knows this already? Gods what a brainlet lmao. What does what the cops said AFTER the shooting have the do with the ACTUAL shooting? Herpedtyderpety. So i ask again, why would ANYBODY be surprised that this dude got shot? You would get smoked out here for trying to punch a cop, let alone trying to shoot at one.

edit: and not that it matters, but they said that waaaayyyy after "as they walked up to his body". But again, you just keep posting shit without actually looking into the facts or just repeated whatever nonsense you read via google. Shooting takes place around *@14:11 ... now tell me when they walked up to him, and when they said what you heard.

but again, what does that have to do with the actual shooting?
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they approached with him the intention of doing a citizen's arrest. you're dishonest as hell

First off, that's legal*. Second off, at the time of the shooting, it was Arbery that approached the McMichaels. They were in a stopped car and neither was inside.

*Depending on the facts of the case as more are revealed
I already acknowledged that the car passed him. In fact, according to the McMichaels themselves, after the first time they blocked the jogger off, he jogged back the way he came until the second truck recording approached. But that's irrelevant, unless you think simply approaching a person is justification for being assaulted a couple minutes later. The jogger had options which included waiting for police to arrive and accept a trespassing or burglary charge, but he chose the option of "attack a guy and steal his gun", and was shot for that.

Also, news is coming out that the jogger had popped into the house to get a drink of water, needing refreshment and all, totally reasonable. There was also an official report shortly after the shooting that flooding had to be repaired in the house under construction. Surely he just accidentally forgot to close a spigot, nothing more than that. :lol:
tbh the second cop seemed to be a dick/retard, "Get yer hands out of yer pocket!" while his hands were seemingly out the entire time, and immediately went for the taser (which failed somehow). Curious about what happened between 14:00:10 and 14:01:47 on the timestamp though, the situation jumps from calm to escalated somewhere between then.

Just saw this posted. Doesn't seem as confirmed but it looks like the same guy to me.

EDIT: Same jacket too, of course

EDIT #2: Full vid of the park encounter

He charges the first cop at 4 minutes in the full video
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