The News Thread

Mexicans in Chicago are threatening any black people they see come anywhere near some place called 26th and Cicero or something, now black people are warning others to avoid that area lmao.

This was a pretty common occurrence before any of this recent rioting. Lots of mexican neighborhoods border up to black neighborhoods, they don't want them in there regardless of what's going on.
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I said that just about every black person that's been killed by cops has been blasted on the news channel

That's not true, and you're not providing any facts to prove it. All you're doing is repeating the same comment over and over, as though saying it a bunch of times makes it true.

OK, so you say that just about every black person that's been killed by cops has been blasted on the news media--so show me the evidence. Since 2017, about 700 African Americans have been killed by the police. If "just about every" is 95% (since you're not being specific to begin with), then tell me what 665 names were "blasted on the news" since 2017. Or if it's 80%, then give me 560 names. Or if it's 50% (clearly not "just about every," but whatever, I'll be generous), then give me 350 names. Give me names and the news where their deaths were reported.

You must really suck at chess.

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That's not true, and you're not providing any facts to prove it. All you're doing is repeating the same comment over and over, as though saying it a bunch of times makes it true.

OK, so you say that just about every black person that's been killed by cops has been blasted on the news media--so show me the evidence. Since 2017, about 700 African Americans have been killed by the police. If "just about every" is 95% (since you're not being specific to begin with), then tell me what 665 names were "blasted on the news" since 2017. Or if it's 80%, then give me 560 names. Or if it's 50% (clearly not "just about every," but whatever, I'll be generous), then give me 350 names.


You're such a dishonest piece of shit. You already tried to pretend that George and Tony were given the same amount of coverage, then when I gave evidence to the contrary you interpreted it in a way that implied I was only talking about print newspaper, then after more bullshit and lies you tried to pretend it's all because one has a more memorable name than the other. Now you're wasting everyone's time on pure pedantic shit. This is obviously one of many political issues that you view through an emotional lens and cannot discuss rationally.
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You're such a dishonest piece of shit. You already tried to pretend that George and Tony were given the same amount of coverage, then when I gave evidence to the contrary you interpreted it in a way that implied I was only talking about print newspaper, then after more bullshit and lies you tried to pretend it's all because one has a more memorable name than the other. Now you're wasting everyone's time on pure pedantic shit. This is obviously one of many political issues that you view through an emotional lens and cannot discuss rationally.

All I did was point out that the news carried stories about him. I never argued or suggested that they awarded the same degree of news coverage.

I also have no idea where you got the idea that I suggested one has a more memorable name than the other. All I said was that the Timpa story happened a while back, so even people who did read the story likely wouldn't recall his name now--due, in large part, to the smaller amount of coverage it received. George Floyd's name will be remembered for its relation to the current protests and state of affairs.

But for every George Floyd, there are countless "black Tony Timpas" who are forgotten by the following year. That's all I was saying.

None of this is "pure pedantic shit" or "emotional" or "irrational." If you and others can't have a decent conversation, then I'd say you're the ones suffering emotional breakdowns.

My point, this entire time, has been that there are far more black victims of police brutality whose names are as little-known as Timpa's. I'm debating TB's point that "almost every black" victim of police brutality has received considerably more media coverage than Timpa did.

Got it?
I'll probably expose myself as ignorant here but, if #BLM "actually describes itself as an inclusive movement that stands for brutality against disabled people, people with records, women, and others," can you name any events or protests they've organized for a white victim of police brutality? I off the top of my head can't.

Because it's one thing to expect the media to highlight white victims of police brutality, but you'd think these so-called social justice movements would at least do one or two every now and then. If they do it's usually because the victim was some other block in the progressive stack (LGBTQ+, disabled, Jewish etc).

Tiampa had mild coverage, straight up video footage of him being murdered, that's the kind of thing ripe for any social justice movement to cover.
I'll probably expose myself as ignorant here but, if #BLM "actually describes itself as an inclusive movement that stands for brutality against disabled people, people with records, women, and others," can you name any events or protests they've organized for a white victim of police brutality? I off the top of my head can't.

Because it's one thing to expect the media to highlight white victims of police brutality, but you'd think these so-called social justice movements would at least do one or two every now and then. If they do it's usually because the victim was some other block in the progressive stack (LGBTQ+, disabled, Jewish etc).

Tiampa had mild coverage, straight up video footage of him being murdered, that's the kind of thing ripe for any social justice movement to cover.

Agreed, and I think it could have spurred a protest--if the people who read the mild coverage cared enough to do anything. Whites can stage anti-brutality protests without making them about police violence directed toward whites (which surely isn't at stake in Timpa's case).

Media coverage about any police killing is mild until social media amplifies it; only at that point do the major news networks begin thriving on the story. It usually begins as a regular news story, then trends on twitter, then makes its way to nonstop media coverage.
Mexicans in Chicago are threatening any black people they see come anywhere near some place called 26th and Cicero or something, now black people are warning others to avoid that area lmao.

Just clicked on the links...


This was a pretty common occurrence before any of this recent rioting. Lots of mexican neighborhoods border up to black neighborhoods, they don't want them in there regardless of what's going on.
yeah man pretty much the same out here. A lot of bloodshed due to mexican-black beef. One side clearly has the upper hand though.
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That's not true, and you're not providing any facts to prove it. All you're doing is repeating the same comment over and over, as though saying it a bunch of times makes it true.

OK, so you say that just about every black person that's been killed by cops has been blasted on the news media--so show me the evidence. Since 2017, about 700 African Americans have been killed by the police. If "just about every" is 95% (since you're not being specific to begin with), then tell me what 665 names were "blasted on the news" since 2017. Or if it's 80%, then give me 560 names. Or if it's 50% (clearly not "just about every," but whatever, I'll be generous), then give me 350 names. Give me names and the news where their deaths were reported.

Slimeball move #29. Were clearly talking about the ones who were unjustly killed by cops. Not the majority of that 750 that most likely deserved it. And you know this but you're just displaying what many others are starting to notice, that you're a natural slimeball. There are literally lists of names all over the internet of all the blacks that were "unjustly "shot by cops .... and we dont even need those lists since we probably all KNOW THEIR NAMES since they were BLASTED ON EVERY NEWS CHANNEL FOR WEEKS. Find me a list of names of all the white men who were unjustly killed by cops. Find me news clips of all the white men that were unjustly killed by cops. Are you still having trouble connecting the dots? Like HBB said, you're just a dishonest piece of shit.
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Looks like the cop that shot him with the tear gas was black. oH dA oUtRaGe!~

Out here they're doing far more than just macing and firing tear gas at people who arent moving out of the way out. LAPD stopped fucking around as of last night. They been slamming people head first into the pavement left and right. I saw them roll up on a Vons yesterday like a group of savages and chase down and suplex anyone that came running out.
Slimeball move #29. Were clearly talking about the ones who were unjustly killed by cops. Not the majority of that 750 that most likely deserved it. And you know this but you're just displaying what many others are starting to notice, that you're a natural slimeball. There are literally lists of names all over the internet of all the blacks that were "unjustly "shot by cops .... and we dont even need those lists since we probably all KNOW THEIR NAMES since they were BLASTED ON EVERY NEWS CHANNEL FOR WEEKS. Find me a list of names of all the white men who were unjustly killed by cops. Find me news clips of all the white men that were unjustly killed by cops. Are you still having trouble connecting the dots?

No names? No reports? Alright then.

I doubt it'll make any difference since your brain is dead-bolted shut, but here's a helpful site for you:

And for some balance, here's a track record of police deaths, including white people, published by *gasp!* the Guardian.