The News Thread

What's the timeline for that high school drop out and unable to get in the Marines dummy?

There's a video of him shooting the two dudes but not the bald guy. He went from "protecting businesses" to getting chased down what looked like a residential neighborhood?
They chased him because he shot the bald pedo, so yeah that happened first. Baldy had thrown something at him, initially thought to be a Molotov, later turned out to be a bag with something inside simply reflecting amber lighting from elsewhere so it looked on fire in the footage.
You're acting like he was firing wildly at people for destroying shit, for some weird reason I cannot fathom. He only fired at people who chased him and tried to assault him. WI is an open carry state, so you're whole "b-b-but he went to a place where angry retards are gathered with a gun, what did he expect" spiel is ridiculous.

I don’t care if it’s open carry. The gun laws in this country protect this kind of vigilantism. The gun industry thrives on it. It’s all part of the same bogus shit show sold to the American public as “2nd amendment rights.” It’s anachronistic hogwash from a bygone era. “Make America great again” means “Make America a slave-holding newborn republic again.” The writing is on the fucking wall.

He also didn't go alone like some kind of lone wolf psychopath you dolt, he was part of a militia. He was seen cleaning graffiti off walls when the protest was peaceful lol.

Yeah, a model fucking citizen. Clean graffiti, shoot some rioters. All in a patriot day’s work.

Also, militia = gang. There’s no militia anymore.

Anticipating chaos and violence isn't a crime. We've seen tons of examples of these protests devolving into anarchy, looting and rioting. Why would you go not anticipating that? Like I said, he was there as part of a militia who were handing out bottles of water to people and cleaning vandalism.

Premeditated murder is a crime.
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I don’t care if it’s open carry. The gun laws in this country protect this kind of vigilantism. The gun industry thrives on it. It’s all part of the same bogus shit show sold to the American public as “2nd amendment rights.” It’s anachronistic hogwash from a bygone era. “Make America great again” means “Make America a slave-holding newborn republic again.” The writing is on the fucking wall.

And rampaging through cities and neighborhoods destroying and looting is what, enlightened and progressive? Ironic people like you lecture those worried about property destruction, meanwhile the people you engage in apologia for are in many cases using these situations to steal material goods.

Who is more enslaved to capitalism and materialism; armed people trying to stop theft and property destruction, or people using the murder of someone as an excuse to steal luxury goods? Maybe if they were stealing food or medicine, things poor people genuinely struggle to afford... but no it's TVs, gaming equipment, expensive sneakers, sporting goods, safes, liquor, firearms etc.

Yeah, a model fucking citizen. Clean graffiti, shoot some rioters. All in a patriot day’s work.

Also, militia = gang. There’s no militia anymore.

I mean... if you're expecting me to be like "oh no he shot a pedophile, a wife beater and a felon with a pistol who were trying to assault him" you're pissing in the wind. Cleaning graffiti off walls, handing out water bottles and defending himself against someone who did a decade for sexual misconduct involving a minor is probably more good than most people will do in their lifetime, and he's only 17.

Premeditated murder is a crime.

Woah really? I had no idea.

Not sure how that's relevant. What evidence is there he planned to go and murder someone? Because he had a rifle? Your chum with the blown off arm had a concealed pistol and he's a felon. What was he planning to do? Defend the rioting? Your argument here makes very little sense. Seems like just a bunch of feelz.
And rampaging through cities and neighborhoods destroying and looting is what, enlightened and progressive? Ironic people like you lecture those worried about property destruction, meanwhile the people you engage in apologia for are in many cases using these situations to steal material goods.

Of course it’s not enlightened. It’s just not as bad as killing someone.

Who is more enslaved to capitalism and materialism; armed people trying to stop theft and property destruction, or people using the murder of someone as an excuse to steal luxury goods? Maybe if they were stealing food or medicine, things poor people genuinely struggle to afford... but no it's TVs, gaming equipment, expensive sneakers, sporting goods, safes, liquor, firearms etc.

I’m not sure that makes the point you want it to.

I mean... if you're expecting me to be like "oh no he shot a pedophile, a wife beater and a felon with a pistol who were trying to assault him" you're pissing in the wind. Cleaning graffiti off walls, handing out water bottles and defending himself against someone who did a decade for sexual misconduct involving a minor is probably more good than most people will do in their lifetime, and he's only 17.

I love how you’re all gung ho about him killing someone with a history of sexual misconduct despite knowing nothing about the charge or what the outcome of his case was.

You’re looking for anything to paint Rittenhouse as a hero. I think it’s pretty desperate.

Not sure how that's relevant. What evidence is there he planned to go and murder someone? Because he had a rifle? Your chum with the blown off arm had a concealed pistol and he's a felon. What was he planning to do? Defend the rioting? Your argument here makes very little sense. Seems like just a bunch of feelz.

I think it’s actually pretty obvious how it’s relevant, but it’s clearly not to you.
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Of course it’s not enlightened. It’s just not as bad as killing someone.

When stripped of all specificity, sure. Burning someones car is not as bad as shooting them. Of course as all people not being dishonest cunts know, there's more to what happened than that.

If you're attempting to flee and someone is still chasing you, you have exhausted what is expected of you to avoid deadly force. At some point you're just going to have to wake the fuck up.

I’m not sure that makes the point you want it to.

It does. What's the issue? If rioters care so much about life, why use a death as an excuse to go shopping for crib-pimping accessories? At least I can understand burning a police precinct to the ground as a response to police brutality, even if I disagree with it personally. What I don't understand nor defend is smashing your way into a department store to steal shoes, sucker-punching business owners or employees trying to stop it or call the police for help, burning random cars, lighting garbage bins on fire that sit dangerously close to apartment buildings and so on.

I love how you’re all gung ho about him killing someone with a history of sexual misconduct despite knowing nothing about the charge or what the outcome of his case was.

You’re looking for anything to paint Rittenhouse as a hero. I think it’s pretty desperate.

Ha ironic coming from the guy victim-blaming and trying to claim he was some kind of psychopath out to kill some lefties, with zero evidence other than your own bias and feelz. Him being a pedophile doesn't justify him being shot dead, his attempt to chase down and assault an armed teenager does. The fact he's now a dead kid fucker is just a cherry on top.

I think it’s actually pretty obvious how it’s relevant, but it’s clearly not to you.

How was him shooting someone in self-defense "premeditated murder" you dunce?
I love how you’re all gung ho about him killing someone with a history of sexual misconduct despite knowing nothing about the charge or what the outcome of his case was.

I'll just put this here for the pedo-defenders in the thread:


Here are the full records, he has a long rap sheet, and the maximum sentence in Arizona for a class 3 sexual misconduct with a minor charge is 8.5 years, so judging by the dates listed for when he went in and got out the first time he got the maximum sentence and seemingly served the entire thing, no early release.

The guy was an absolute piece of shit, he was trying to start fights as video evidence shows, he threw a bag with something heavy inside at Kyle, then chased him, Kyle attempted to flee but the chase continued, so he turned around and defended himself.

Edit: Oh look some footage from before he challenged people to shoot him, showing he got in Kyle's face, and then chased him and threw shit at him. But yeah Kyle was definitely the one out to hunt lefties lmfao. The footage of him trying to flee to police as a mob attacks him, sucker punches him, kicks him, hits him with a skateboard and generally swarms him is really something else.

But hey he was "asking for it," as opposed to the deranged ex-prisoner running around trying to get into fights and chasing 17 year olds around.
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The guy was an absolute piece of shit, he was trying to start fights as video evidence shows, he threw a bag with something heavy inside at Kyle, then chased him, Kyle attempted to flee but the chase continued, so he turned around and defended himself.

Him being a piece of shit doesn't justify any of this. You have no idea where he was now in his life, or anything else about him. You've written up an imaginary psychic history and are now using it to applaud the shooter.

If you're attempting to flee and someone is still chasing you, you have exhausted what is expected of you to avoid deadly force. At some point you're just going to have to wake the fuck up.

If someone comes at you with a gun and has already fired shots for questionable reasons, you have exhausted what's expected of you to be calm, rational, and to not give chase (if there are a lot of you, especially).

It does. What's the issue? If rioters care so much about life, why use a death as an excuse to go shopping for crib-pimping accessories? At least I can understand burning a police precinct to the ground as a response to police brutality, even if I disagree with it personally. What I don't understand nor defend is smashing your way into a department store to steal shoes, sucker-punching business owners or employees trying to stop it or call the police for help, burning random cars, lighting garbage bins on fire that sit dangerously close to apartment buildings and so on.

You can't quantify who's more "enslaved" to capitalism by comparing: a) people who are willing to kill to defend property, and b) people who are willing to steal others' property.

You presented that rhetorically, as though the answer is obvious. It isn't.

I'm not going to defend rioting and looting either; but I'm also not going to use it as a means to justify murder. You keep resorting to the self-defense tack; but he went into a riot with a rifle. The expectation and chances of violence couldn't not be high, and he surely knew that. It wasn't self-defense, it was orchestrated assault.

Ha ironic coming from the guy victim-blaming and trying to claim he was some kind of psychopath out to kill some lefties, with zero evidence other than your own bias and feelz. Him being a pedophile doesn't justify him being shot dead, his attempt to chase down and assault an armed teenager does. The fact he's now a dead kid fucker is just a cherry on top.

No, neither of them justify it. You're just looking for ways to glorify what happened.

I'll tell you what would have maybe justified it; if someone else pulled a gun on Rittenhouse. But even the guy who had one didn't do that. The kid was being attacked with bags of liquid and skateboards, from what I've seen. His life wasn't in imminent danger.

The right wants this story to be part of an ongoing saga of normalizing guns in America, and making them (and their use) increasingly acceptable. The rhetorics of vigilantism and self-defense (usually amplified) perpetuate this normalization. We vilify victims for past offenses (despite knowing nothing about them currently) and valorize murderers for committing the crime.

It's a simple-minded mentality.

How was him shooting someone in self-defense "premeditated murder" you dunce?

It is if you go there thinking "Damn, I bet one of those lefties flips out and get to shoot some of them."
It's just like the two dudes in georgia , you bring a gun for a reason - to use it.

Pretty much. The NRA and the right are trying hard to sell the narrative that a gun is a neutral thing and has no effect on the dynamics of a situation; and a lot of people buy it.

Any instinctive reaction I have to seeing a gun carried in public (especially if it's openly exhibited) has less to do with the weapon itself than with the politics that I can almost guarantee are embodied in the act of carrying the gun. Carrying in and of itself isn't a problem; it's a problem when these self-proclaimed citizen solders, militiamen, vigilantes, etc. carry guns into conditions that anticipate and instigate violence. That's not a neutral act. It's a preparatory act and it strongly implies premeditation.

The right-wing narrative that these guys are "heroes" doing lawful work is sheer propaganda designed to normalize violent behavior, with the economic rationale being to sell more guns, of course. It's all a marketing ploy.
You have no idea where he was now in his life, or anything else about him. You've written up an imaginary psychic history

Any instinctive reaction I have to seeing a gun carried in public (especially if it's openly exhibited) has less to do with the weapon itself than with the politics that I can almost guarantee are embodied in the act of carrying the gun. Carrying in and of itself isn't a problem; it's a problem when these self-proclaimed citizen solders, militiamen, vigilantes, etc. carry guns into conditions that anticipate and instigate violence. That's not a neutral act. It's a preparatory act and it strongly implies premeditation.

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Decided to delete my initial reply and restructure my response to you @Einherjar86. It's unfair of me to be so rude just because we disagree on this subject.

Him being a piece of shit doesn't justify any of this. You have no idea where he was now in his life, or anything else about him. You've written up an imaginary psychic history and are now using it to applaud the shooter.

1) I meant he was a p.o.s based on how we see him acting in the video footage.

2) Not exactly sure what "imaginary psychic history" means, but I think it's fair to assume that someone who;
  • spent 9 years in prison for sexual misconduct with a minor
  • was in and out of prison afterwards for all sorts of criminal offenses
  • is white and says the n-word openly in mixed race crowds gathered for anti-racist purposes (this is relevant to me because if no black person there was checking him for it, it says something about his disposition)
  • just happened to be at a riot wherein he's seen taunting armed civilians
  • throwing an object at a 17 year old with a rifle as he attempts to retreat
  • keeps pursing him until that 17 year old turns around and defends himself
---wasn't exactly an angel.

If someone comes at you with a gun and has already fired shots for questionable reasons, you have exhausted what's expected of you to be calm, rational, and to not give chase (if there are a lot of you, especially).

1) Kyle didn't came at anybody with a gun, before the first shooting or after it. First victim chased him. Second and third victims chased him and assaulted him. In both situations he is in the process of retreat.

2) I was referring to the legal concept of a duty to retreat because I don't think Wisconsin is a stand-your-ground state. What legal concept is your example based on?

I'm not going to defend rioting and looting either; but I'm also not going to use it as a means to justify murder. You keep resorting to the self-defense tack; but he went into a riot with a rifle. The expectation and chances of violence couldn't not be high, and he surely knew that. It wasn't self-defense, it was orchestrated assault.

I didn't justify murder because of rioting and looting, and that's also not why anybody was shot. He also didn't go into a riot with a rifle, he went there armed with his group while it was still a peaceful protest hours earlier. He was cleaning graffiti, handing out bottles of water and was equipped with a medical kit.

If you watch all the video footage available you can see that the only person acting aggressive is the first victim Joseph Rosenbaum. Everybody else in the footage is calm and attempting to keep the peace.

Even if we, in absence of footage going back far enough to know who started the altercation, grant that Kyle brandished his rifle in a way that made Joseph feel threatened which set off the chain of events, Kyle still retreated and was chased by this man.

I'll tell you what would have maybe justified it; if someone else pulled a gun on Rittenhouse. But even the guy who had one didn't do that. The kid was being attacked with bags of liquid and skateboards, from what I've seen. His life wasn't in imminent danger.

That's not true RE the man with the pistol. Setting aside that he had fired his pistol into the air while Kyle was retreating, if you watch the video footage you see Kyle aim his rifle at the man with the pistol and he puts his hands up seemingly in a H.U.D.S. surrender and then brandishes his pistol a moment later which is why Kyle fires once at him, at his arm.

So at the very least going by your own criteria here Kyle was justified in shooting the guy with the pistol.

If you do not want to watch the graphic footage;

Kyle is retreating, people in the crowd are shouting to get him etc, someone in white runs up and punches him from behind, someone swings a skateboard at him, Kyle falls to the floor, he goes to fire at someone about to rush him but falls backwards and fires twice into the sky, guy in white pants jumps and kicks him, guy with the skateboard attacks him again and is shot at while running away, Kyle rights himself and sits up as the man with a pistol runs at him and then stops (as I said up there) and then pulls his pistol on him, Kyle shoots him once, gets up and walks away to surrender himself.

I would submit he was also legally justified for shooting the guy with the skateboard that attacked him twice with it, once while he was retreating and again while he was on the floor.

How do you justify saying his life wasn't in imminent danger given the footage?

It is if you go there thinking "Damn, I bet one of those lefties flips out and get to shoot some of them."

Any evidence he thought this? You have accused me of creating a "imaginary psychic history" for Joseph Rosenbaum, but from HBB's post until now, it seems you have some intimate knowledge of Kyle's mentality and secret agenda. Seems very hypocritical, unless of course you know something about him that I haven't read yet.

It's just like the two dudes in georgia , you bring a gun for a reason - to use it.
Pretty much. The NRA and the right are trying hard to sell the narrative that a gun is a neutral thing and has no effect on the dynamics of a situation; and a lot of people buy it.

Any instinctive reaction I have to seeing a gun carried in public (especially if it's openly exhibited) has less to do with the weapon itself than with the politics that I can almost guarantee are embodied in the act of carrying the gun. Carrying in and of itself isn't a problem; it's a problem when these self-proclaimed citizen solders, militiamen, vigilantes, etc. carry guns into conditions that anticipate and instigate violence. That's not a neutral act. It's a preparatory act and it strongly implies premeditation.

The right-wing narrative that these guys are "heroes" doing lawful work is sheer propaganda designed to normalize violent behavior, with the economic rationale being to sell more guns, of course. It's all a marketing ploy.

To @rms' point; yes you bring a gun for a reason and that reason is to use it, but your comment implies singular utility. Openly carrying a rifle as a show of force in order to peacekeep is "using it" just as much as randomly murdering someone with a gun is. Kyle also brought a medical kit with him, I assume he planned to use that too.

RE the NRA and the right are trying hard to sell the narrative that a gun is a neutral thing and has no effect on the dynamics of a situation; and a lot of people buy it;

I don't see anybody saying a gun is neutral and has no effect on situational dynamics. In fact I read the opposite, that armed people are less likely to be victimized and that the presence of a firearm is itself a deterrent. Many on the right are calling for more lawful armed presence at protests in order that they remain peaceful, that businesses are not looted and so on. I also see many across the board supporting the idea of armed left-wingers having a presence to deter police brutality against protesters.

I think you just made that whole part up about right-wingers trying hard to sell the narrative that a gun is a neutral thing and has no effect on the dynamics of a situation.

I disagree with the rest of what you said.
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The difference is that I'm deriving conclusions based on nothing but the situation at hand.

It's not only the situation at hand though. We all bring a lot of predispositions to a situation, particularly one where there's a strong reaction.

EDIT: good to see you, btw.

I lurk occasionally but usually things are pretty much just groundhog day here. Plus uber busy.
Decided to delete my initial reply and restructure my response to you @Einherjar86. It's unfair of me to be so rude just because we disagree on this subject.

No worries, I didn't see anything else until this post.

1) I meant he was a p.o.s based on how we see him acting in the video footage.

2) Not exactly sure what "imaginary psychic history" means, but I think it's fair to assume that someone who;
  • spent 9 years in prison for sexual misconduct with a minor
  • was in and out of prison afterwards for all sorts of criminal offenses
  • is white and says the n-word openly in mixed race crowds gathered for anti-racist purposes (this is relevant to me because if no black person there was checking him for it, it says something about his disposition)
  • just happened to be at a riot wherein he's seen taunting armed civilians
  • throwing an object at a 17 year old with a rifle as he attempts to retreat
  • keeps pursing him until that 17 year old turns around and defends himself
---wasn't exactly an angel.

It seems he wasn't, no; but even cops aren't supposed to execute assholes.

1) Kyle didn't came at anybody with a gun, before the first shooting or after it. First victim chased him. Second and third victims chased him and assaulted him. In both situations he is in the process of retreat.

2) I was referring to the legal concept of a duty to retreat because I don't think Wisconsin is a stand-your-ground state. What legal concept is your example based on?

I didn't justify murder because of rioting and looting, and that's also not why anybody was shot. He also didn't go into a riot with a rifle, he went there armed with his group while it was still a peaceful protest hours earlier. He was cleaning graffiti, handing out bottles of water and was equipped with a medical kit.

I mean, he did those things earlier, no? In the video we see him approaching protesters with a rifle. I don't see how what he did earlier in the day is really relevant to what occurred once he was among protesters carrying a rifle.

I didn't know you were referring to a legal concept. There's no precedent I'm referring to; I just think it's absurd to expect things to remain calm in a situation like this. I'm not saying the victims are blameless, but unfortunately they're dead. Everyone involved is responsible for this situation, and Rittenhouse is going to have to answer for his poor judgment.

If you watch all the video footage available you can see that the only person acting aggressive is the first victim Joseph Rosenbaum. Everybody else in the footage is calm and attempting to keep the peace.

Even if we, in absence of footage going back far enough to know who started the altercation, grant that Kyle brandished his rifle in a way that made Joseph feel threatened which set off the chain of events, Kyle still retreated and was chased by this man.

That's not true RE the man with the pistol. Setting aside that he had fired his pistol into the air while Kyle was retreating, if you watch the video footage you see Kyle aim his rifle at the man with the pistol and he puts his hands up seemingly in a H.U.D.S. surrender and then brandishes his pistol a moment later which is why Kyle fires once at him, at his arm.

So at the very least going by your own criteria here Kyle was justified in shooting the guy with the pistol.

If you do not want to watch the graphic footage;

Kyle is retreating, people in the crowd are shouting to get him etc, someone in white runs up and punches him from behind, someone swings a skateboard at him, Kyle falls to the floor, he goes to fire at someone about to rush him but falls backwards and fires twice into the sky, guy in white pants jumps and kicks him, guy with the skateboard attacks him again and is shot at while running away, Kyle rights himself and sits up as the man with a pistol runs at him and then stops (as I said up there) and then pulls his pistol on him, Kyle shoots him once, gets up and walks away to surrender himself.

I would submit he was also legally justified for shooting the guy with the skateboard that attacked him twice with it, once while he was retreating and again while he was on the floor.

How do you justify saying his life wasn't in imminent danger given the footage?

For what it's worth, if the situation were reversed and Rosenbaum killed Rittenhouse, I'd say that Rosenbaum should be arrested and charged. And if Rosenbaum were still alive, I'd hope that he's charged too; but he's not. Nobody's in the right, here.

All the specifics of retreat and self-defense are beside the point, I think. Rittenhouse inserted himself in a situation that could very easily escalate, as it did. That shouldn't have happened. You said earlier that it's his right to go wherever he wants (generally speaking); but that's akin to saying it's someone's legal right to shout "fire" in a crowded place. In these kinds of cases, there's a reasonable expectation that individuals make sound judgments about where they should go and what they should do. Rittenhouse didn't make a sound judgment.

As far as him cleaning graffiti and handing out water, he was doing that earlier in the day. And insofar as he was handing anything out at the time, he could have done so without a rifle. And had he done so, he may not have been hassled or accosted.

Any evidence he thought this? You have accused me of creating a "imaginary psychic history" for Joseph Rosenbaum, but from HBB's post until now, it seems you have some intimate knowledge of Kyle's mentality and secret agenda. Seems very hypocritical, unless of course you know something about him that I haven't read yet.

To @rms' point; yes you bring a gun for a reason and that reason is to use it, but your comment implies singular utility. Openly carrying a rifle as a show of force in order to peacekeep is "using it" just as much as randomly murdering someone with a gun is. Kyle also brought a medical kit with him, I assume he planned to use that too.

I have no access to Rittenhouse's internal thoughts or mental state; but given the situation as it's been described and as it appears in videos, one can't reasonably assume that nothing would happen. I don't think we can fall back on these appeals to self-defense and his efforts to retreat after having already arrived. We have to be able to expect people--especially responsible gun owners--to know when they shouldn't go somewhere brandishing a rifle.

RE the NRA and the right are trying hard to sell the narrative that a gun is a neutral thing and has no effect on the dynamics of a situation; and a lot of people buy it;

I don't see anybody saying a gun is neutral and has no effect on situational dynamics. In fact I read the opposite, that armed people are less likely to be victimized and that the presence of a firearm is itself a deterrent. Many on the right are calling for more lawful armed presence at protests in order that they remain peaceful, that businesses are not looted and so on. I also see many across the board supporting the idea of armed left-wingers having a presence to deter police brutality against protesters.

I think you just made that whole part up about right-wingers trying hard to sell the narrative that a gun is a neutral thing and has no effect on the dynamics of a situation.

I disagree with the rest of what you said.

My comments on the NRA aren't directly related here; they're in reference to a lot of shit that's been done over the years. I'm not going to rehash it or go find things, but I disagree wholeheartedly that the NRA is just looking out for gun owners' rights. They're an ideology machine, and they've been crafting and sponsoring a narrative about firearms in American history for years now.
Rittenhouse was simply engaging in community restoration and policing. A progressive idealist if I ever saw one. 100 more Rittenhouse's and we can actually follow through in defunding the police in Kenosha.
Rittenhouse was simply engaging in community restoration and policing. A progressive idealist if I ever saw one. 100 more Rittenhouse's and we can actually follow through in defunding the police in Kenosha.

It's not really defunding the police if citizens just start terrorizing each other.

"Defund the police" =/= "leave an institutional gap." It means reorganize the system to be more community focused, and not focus on filling arrest quotas and killing people.
I've heard of ticket quotas but never arrest quotas.

There are already citizens in "the community" that terrorize whether police are present or not. That's partially why there is law enforcement, at least in theory. When law enforcement goes away, whether there are more "community-focused" institutions or not, it won't magically erase the criminal element in "communities". Rittenhouse isn't part of the latent criminal element. People with rapsheets to the floor before the age of 30 are, and sanctioned "protests" draw them like moths to a flame.
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