The News Thread

Sex offender guy was 18 when he was convicted. Any link to his conviction details? I know it says he had sex with a minor. That may or may not exactly be the monstrous act it’s being made out to be

Doesn't seem like the precise details are available (some states explicitly give age brackets in the crime charged), but the fact that it was a 10 year sentence for a crime at 18 tells me he didn't simply bonk a high school freshman as a senior.

He is an absolute hero though. Speaking of pathetic worldviews, here's a copy and paste of a post I just came across on Zuck's public toilet:

Like I always say, at some point certain people are beyond help.

30-odd people killed in the riots, mostly by leftists or proxy-leftists, but of course this is the point where it becomes "terrorism". tbh the Republican response being typically cowardly is more damaging than the lefties though, elected Dems outright calling the kid a white supremacist, and even Tucker Carlson called him a murderer.

You have such a pathetic worldview.

He's an absolute shitheel.

Someone's reconsidering attending his next riot. :lol:
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Doesn't seem like the precise details are available (some states explicitly give age brackets in the crime charged), but the fact that it was a 10 year sentence for a crime at 18 tells me he didn't simply bonk a high school freshman as a senior.

It's fun to watch you rationalize your views by appealing to speculations on the internet.

30-odd people killed in the riots, mostly by leftists or proxy-leftists, but of course this is the point where it becomes "terrorism". tbh the Republican response being typically cowardly is more damaging than the lefties though, elected Dems outright calling the kid a white supremacist, and even Tucker Carlson called him a murderer.

Cuz he is.

Someone's reconsidering attending his next riot. :lol:

Yeah, lawless anarchy makes you think twice.
His prison record is public bro, and frankly it's not relevant to self-defense, it's just a cherry on top. Baldie manlet could have been a saint at 18 and it wouldn't justify him being a violent wigger at 36.

Lin Wood offering to represent the kid pro bono btw, good luck with that murder prosecution.
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His prison record is public bro, and frankly it's not relevant to self-defense, it's just a cherry on top. Baldie manlet could have been a saint at 18 and it wouldn't justify him being a violent wigger at 36.

Being public doesn’t change anything “bro.”

And even if he is a convicted pedophile—it doesn’t justify someone else murdering him.
It's not our fault your comrades are cowards.
Even if I had time to debate in these shitheap threads I probably still wouldn't. I dunno why @Einherjar86 bothers, seems like a waste of time here. My 'commie' views are too circumspect anyway. I'm the kind of person who supports left-wing protesters while being too introverted/cynical/sensible to join protests myself. I sent a couple of strongly-worded emails once... :D
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He's an absolute shitheel.

Other than that he broke (unconstitutional) laws pertaining to gun restrictions by taking his AR-15 across state borders and carrying it openly, what did he do that makes him a shitheel?

He shot a man trying to assault him and then when he tried to flee a mob chased him and assaulted him further forcing him to shoot two more people. Any condemnation for the registered sex offender that first attacked him? What about the skateboarder who has a history of battery and domestic violence that hit him with his board? What about the guy with the concealed handgun that shouldn't have been anywhere near a gun because he's a felon?

I love how everybody hones in on the legalities of the teen and his weapon but completely ignore the illegal context of that whole situation. It was a riot, people were engaged in all sorts of criminal activity, and if the 36 year old kiddie fiddler hadn't started a violent chain of events, he'd still be alive.

Even if I had time to debate in these shitheap threads I probably still wouldn't. I dunno why @Einherjar86 bothers, seems like a waste of time here. My 'commie' views are too circumspect anyway. I'm the kind of person who supports left-wing protesters while being too introverted/cynical/sensible to join protests myself. I sent a couple of strongly-worded emails once... :D

I support anybody's right to protest. If you support the rioting and looting though you're piece of garbage, don't care what the cause is. I hope more civilians rise up and start making these anarcho-communist soyboys think twice before they try and destroy more "just property."
Even if I had time to debate in these shitheap threads I probably still wouldn't. I dunno why @Einherjar86 bothers, seems like a waste of time here. My 'commie' views are too circumspect anyway. I'm the kind of person who supports left-wing protesters while being too introverted/cynical/sensible to join protests myself. I sent a couple of strongly-worded emails once... :D

Apparently I'm a masochist.

Other than that he broke (unconstitutional) laws pertaining to gun restrictions by taking his AR-15 across state borders and carrying it openly, what did he do that makes him a shitheel?

He went to the rally with a rifle when he could have stayed home. Dude wanted to shoot him some lefties.

I support anybody's right to protest. If you support the rioting and looting though you're piece of garbage, don't care what the cause is. I hope more civilians rise up and start making these anarcho-communist soyboys think twice before they try and destroy more "just property."

Why's murder an appropriate response to rioting, but rioting isn't an appropriate response to murder?
He went to the rally with a rifle when he could have stayed home. Dude wanted to shoot him some lefties.

Just oppose a leftist and they'll try to do you physical harm, so I guess if that's true they granted him his wish by you know, trying to attack him.

Why's murder an appropriate response to rioting, but rioting isn't an appropriate response to murder?

How is destroying random property in response to the police murdering someone even comparable to murdering a rioter who is trying to attack you or destroy your property?

It's like you didn't even think before typing that Twitter-tier retarded question.
Just oppose a leftist and they'll try to do you physical harm, so I guess if that's true they granted him his wish by you know, trying to attack him.

I think the shooter escalated the situation when he, ya know, approached them with a firearm. But we tend to always disagree on when/where assault begins when guns are involved.

Also, gun laws are "unconstitutional" because the second amendment was written in the eighteenth century. It doesn't translate to today's situation, in which the firearm manufacturers have flooded American society with an excess of weaponry.

How is destroying random property in response to the police murdering someone even comparable to murdering a rioter who is trying to attack you or destroy your property?

It's like you didn't even think before typing that Twitter-tier retarded question.

I'd say that if we're comparing actions (i.e. rioting vs. murdering), then one results in loss of life, whereas the other results in loss of stuff. It's the great triumph of liberal capitalism that property is seen as more valuable than human life--especially when that life is in the midst of destroying property. Einhercommie hath spoken.
I think the shooter escalated the situation when he, ya know, approached them with a firearm. But we tend to always disagree on when/where assault begins when guns are involved.

Also, gun laws are "unconstitutional" because the second amendment was written in the eighteenth century. It doesn't translate to today's situation, in which the firearm manufacturers have flooded American society with an excess of weaponry.

He escalated a riot into targeting him specifically rather than just continuing to wreak havoc on its surroundings, because he approached it armed in an open carry state? That's deranged, but okay.

I'd say that if we're comparing actions (i.e. rioting vs. murdering), then one results in loss of life, whereas the other results in loss of stuff. It's the great triumph of liberal capitalism that property is seen as more valuable than human life--especially when that life is in the midst of destroying property. Einhercommie hath spoken.

Yeah property is always less valuable than life until it's their property being destroyed. Grow up. Destroying property completely unrelated to a police killing makes no sense.


Destroying property completely unrelated to a police killing makes no sense.

Neither does loading up your rifle and going to shoot random people destroying property that isn't yours.

"But they attacked him!"

Fucker shouldn't have been there in the first place. He knew what he was doing. He wanted them to poke the beast so he could retaliate. That also makes no sense beyond the sheer desire to kill people.
He shouldn't have been there in the first place because... you say so? Pretty sure he can go wherever he wants to go champ. He shouldn't defend property because it isn't his? They shouldn't destroy property that isn't theirs.
He shouldn't have been there in the first place because... you say so? Pretty sure he can go wherever he wants to go champ. He shouldn't defend property because it isn't his? They shouldn't destroy property that isn't theirs.

You’re attuned to the point I’m making, but not acknowledging it. I’m disagreeing with your effort to rationalize one act while demonizing the other.

The police have been detaining rioters (and peaceful protesters, but we’ll ignore that for now) without recourse to deadly force. The destruction of property doesn’t justify use of deadly force.

Furthermore, Rittenhouse went somewhere he knew he would find individuals who would protest his being there with a gun. He was prepared to kill people. Why go with a gun unless you’re anticipating that happening?

The idea that regular citizens have the right to do this—to go somewhere they know is experiencing social upheaval with a firearm and planning to use it—is an arcane carryover from another time. It’s ridiculous people still defend it today. But we have a president who champions this behavior, so it will continue.

Did you look at the rebuttals? Or is that too much reading. ;)
The police have been detaining rioters (and peaceful protesters, but we’ll ignore that for now) without recourse to deadly force. The destruction of property doesn’t justify use of deadly force.

Furthermore, Rittenhouse went somewhere he knew he would find individuals who would protest his being there with a gun. He was prepared to kill people. Why go with a gun unless you’re anticipating that happening?

You're acting like he was firing wildly at people for destroying shit, for some weird reason I cannot fathom. He only fired at people who chased him and tried to assault him. WI is an open carry state, so you're whole "b-b-but he went to a place where angry retards are gathered with a gun, what did he expect" spiel is ridiculous. He also didn't go alone like some kind of lone wolf psychopath you dolt, he was part of a militia. He was seen cleaning graffiti off walls when the protest was peaceful lol.

Anticipating chaos and violence isn't a crime. We've seen tons of examples of these protests devolving into anarchy, looting and rioting. Why would you go not anticipating that? Like I said, he was there as part of a militia who were handing out bottles of water to people and cleaning vandalism.

The idea that regular citizens have the right to do this—to go somewhere they know is experiencing social upheaval with a firearm and planning to use it—is an arcane carryover from another time. It’s ridiculous people still defend it today. But we have a president who champions this behavior, so it will continue.

And you have many many politicians who champion the riots of peace, so that will continue.

Did you look at the rebuttals? Or is that too much reading. ;)

I actually didn't watch that video on Twitter, just shared that link. My PC is dying on me and won't load certain sites, I watched it elsewhere. :erk: