The News Thread

But as the climate warms, the niche could shift drastically northward. Under even a moderate carbon emissions scenario (known as RCP 4.5), by 2070 much of the Southeast becomes less suitable and the niche shifts toward the Midwest.

In the case of extreme warming (represented as RCP 8.5), the niche moves sharply toward Canada, leaving much of the lower half of the U.S. too hot or dry for the type of climate humans historically have lived in. Both scenarios suggest massive upheavals in where Americans currently live and grow food.
The shift is already starting to promote a Harris administration. A woman who couldn't even win a primary. Hidin Blitherin Biden ain't gonna make it.

Yeah Biden will be a ghostship of a president. The problem is Harris is a ghostshIp of a vice president. Just more tools of Wall Street and big tech. God I hate this election so much!
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"It'll start getting cooler. You just watch,” the president shot back with a grin.

In a rare public rebuke of a sitting president, Mr Crowfoot replied: "I wish science agreed with you."

His grin now a smirk, Mr Trump said: "Well, I don't think science knows actually."

One of the best things about Biden’s word salads is once you decipher them, there’s almost always something bigoted lying underneath.

He also had this cringe gem of pandering

Of course, Trump didn’t exactly win the day with “Herd mentality.” God this election is so terrible.

I 100% feel for the businesses that got destroyed by looters, especially the family owned and independent businesses that could not afford that sort of hit. However, the Republican establishment can save me their hand-wringing and fake outrage. They don't give a shit about these businesses. If they did, they would have given them enough grants to get through the pandemic and economic crash, instead of handing over trillions of dollars to corporations. They're just exploiting their loss for political gain.

Forced hysterectomy shit is wild

Yup, super disturbing. I'm interested to see if this was just one unhinged doctor or if it was based on some sort of directive.
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RIP RBG, you made maybe three good decisions over your nearly 30 years as a judge but that's still better than some.

I seriously doubt that Trump and the Senate will push through another justice but I hope they try.

Forced hysterectomy shit is wild

If drinking from a water fountain in a fountain-toilet fusion constitutes "drinking from a toilet", I'm willing to bet that "forced hysterectomy" is some chola with an extra bad case of the herp being incorrectly diagnosed with cervical cancer. Also, convenient news at a time when the Hispanic vote is looking like Trump's last chance.
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I was just thinking of two recent cases and throwing out a hypothetical third for margin of error (Timbs v Indiana, which she wrote and limited civil forfeiture a bit; Gamble vs US, which failed but attempted to end double jeopardy between state and federal charges). I was kind of shitposting, but she did have some civil libertarian cred alongside all the bad. Although she also supported the verdict in Kelo v. City of New London which ruled that states can use eminent domain to seize private property and give it to corporations in the name of utilitarianism, so yeah fuck her too.
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Although she also supported the verdict in Kelo v. City of New London which ruled that states can use eminent domain to seize private property and give it to corporations in the name of utilitarianism, so yeah fuck her too.
One of my dads best friends was involved with that shit, you could throw a rock and hit the Kelo house from his house. The fucked up thing is that property never ended up being used.