The News Thread

I'm remember telling my fellow Marines 6-7 years ago that Russia was no longer a joke. It ain't the 80s-90s anymore. Russian military tech is on par with a lot of the western competition where it matters, and Russia is demonstrating a significant amount of 21st century awareness with their handling of Crimea and Ukraine. That said, Russia is still Euro enough to be handled diplomatically, if the US/Europe were inclined. But the US/NATO isn't.

This is what you've done, board SJWs. You metal heretics.

A Sanford police officer was relieved of duty after he was caught on video singing, while in uniform, on stage at a death metal band’s concert.

Police said Officer Andrew Ricks attended the Vital Remains show at West End Trading Company while in uniform on Nov. 13.

Reports said Ricks joined the band on stage and sang a song called “Dechristianize,” which included the lyrics “Let the killing begin.”

The incident was caught on camera, and a copy was sent to Police Chief Cecil Smith.

The video was also posted to YouTube.

Ricks’ authority to perform his law enforcement duties was removed.
L O fuckin' L! :lol:

So what exactly is Russia going to do then? You pretend to be so knowledgeable about these things so let's hear an assessment. I'd bet a ton of money that nothing happens at all. And moving a ship around doesn't count.

Also, Russia doesn't have access to Turkey's airspace, and the ship ignored ten warnings before Turkey shot it down. Seems like fair play to me.
Please redirect yourself to my last post. I said some type of consequence or response... and in a matter of a day, they've suspended all military contact with turkey, are sending one of their fucking flagship anti-aircraft Cruisers to the area, and have adopted a shoot on sight program. So far they're doing exactly what me, and just about the rest of the world thought they would be doing .... "Despite demands from France's Hollande, America's Obama, and NATO's Stoltenberg that this situation not escalate". "We warn that every target posing a potential threat will be destroyed,” lieutenant general Sergey Rudskoy said during the briefing. Did you not click on the link i provided?

Im just always amazed when i run into people who underestimate Russias strength ... one of the most powerful nations on this planet, run by one of the most powerful leaders on this planet. But yet there are shit ton of ignorant fucks here in the US that have been brainwashed to think that Russia "cant do anything". :lol: American ignorance at it's finest.

Do we have access to Syrian airspace? Should the Syrian government start shooting down our planes?
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if it has any relation to the music in question then that's retarded. if it has to do with him abandoning his post while on duty or w/e then yeah, that probably warrants some kind of discipline. for what it's worth, the police chief actually claims the whole story is bullshit (which, let's face it, these stories often are):
Please redirect yourself to my last post. I said some type of consequence or response... and in a matter of a day, they've suspended all military contact with turkey, are sending one of their fucking flagship anti-aircraft Cruisers to the area, and have adopted a shoot on sight program. So far they're doing exactly what me, and just about the rest of the world thought they would be doing .... "Despite demands from France's Hollande, America's Obama, and NATO's Stoltenberg that this situation not escalate". "We warn that every target posing a potential threat will be destroyed,” lieutenant general Sergey Rudskoy said during the briefing. Did you not click on the link i provided?

Im just always amazed when i run into people who underestimate Russias strength ... one of the most powerful nations on this planet, run by one of the most powerful leaders on this planet. But yet there are shit ton of ignorant fucks here in the US that have been brainwashed to think that Russia "cant do anything". :lol: American ignorance at it's finest.

Do we have access to Syrian airspace? Should the Syrian government start shooting down our planes?

No I didn't click on your bullshit link. Putin isn't stupid, and he knows that retaliating against a NATO country for something that was his fault in the first place won't yield positive results for him. So no, he can't, and won't, do much aside from some posturing and bold statements.

Russia claims to be targeting ISIL but everyone knows that they're just helping Assad stay in power.
Them helping Assad stay in power isnt a secret. Putin himself has stated numerous times that Assad and his people are the rightful and legitimate leaders of that country and refers to the rebels as terrorists ... and he is right. But to think they're not trying to get rid of ISIS is pretty ridiculous. Assad is one of the main enemies of ISIS. Helping them fight ISIS and other groups is against "American interests", so it's obviously going to get spun otherwise for the guppies out here. Another giant shitstorm.
I don't think you want to follow through on that line of reasoning. There's been plenty of White American Christian terrorism. By your reasoning, we should ban Europeans and Christians from immigrating as well. Look at what people of the same race/ religion have done!

Example please.

This is a common trope among a lot of the left, yet I never see any proof.

For example, the greatest threat to secularism in the USA quite clearly comes from fundamentalist Christians.

Again, example.
That one redneck dude bombed a Walmart for "banning" the Confederate flag, and almost could have hurt someone!

fwiw I would agree that Christians are just as capable of being radicalized and a threat to society, but it's not a thing happening now. Especially so when we import Christians and other persecuted religious minorities from Muslim-dominant countries.
That one redneck dude bombed a Walmart for "banning" the Confederate flag, and almost could have hurt someone!

fwiw I would agree that Christians are just as capable of being radicalized and a threat to society, but it's not a thing happening now. Especially so when we import Christians and other persecuted religious minorities from Muslim-dominant countries.

This is true.
I mean, African Christians in Africa were burning witches not even that long ago and Russian Orthodoxy will always be ominous to me, but I don't see any concrete proof that Christianity in America especially is a threat to society, sounds to me like white guilt again.
Same old nonsensical shit.

Also, some butthurt redneck is not representative of Christian terrorism and you know this.
Oh the presence of white and Christian terrorism in the US isn't hard to see at all, if you don't have a racist understanding of the term (i.e. only Muslim's can do it).

Here's the definition of domestic terrorism from the FBI:
"Domestic terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:

  • Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
  • Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
  • Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.
We can begin our discussion with the Army of God, a Christian terrorist organization whose members have murders doctors who conduct abortions, have bombed abortions clinics, sent poisoned letters to doctors, and have kidnapped doctors.

One of their members, Eric Ruldolph, bombed the Olympic City during the 1996 games in Atlanta. Here is how he described his motives:

In the summer of 1996, the world converged upon Atlanta for the Olympic Games. Under the protection and auspices of the regime in Washington millions of people came to celebrate the ideals of global socialism. Multinational corporations spent billions of dollars, and Washington organized an army of security to protect these best of all games. Even though the conception and the purpose of the so-called Olympic movement is to promote the values of global socialism as perfectly expressed in the song "Imagine" by John Lennon, which was the theme of the 1996 Games—even though the purpose of the Olympics is to promote these ideals, the purpose of the attack on July 27 was to confound, anger and embarrass the Washington government in the eyes of the world for its abominable sanctioning of abortion on demand. The plan was to force the cancellation of the games, or at least create a state of insecurity to empty the streets around the venues and thereby eat into the vast amounts of money invested

That is textbook terrorism.

Other examples of white and/or Christian terrorism include:
-Wade Michael Page, a Christian white supremacist who shot up a Sikh temple in 2012
-Timothy McVeigh, who blew up a building in Oklahoma City in 1996
-Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, 2008
-Dylan Roof and the Charlston Church shooting, 2015
-The KKK, 1865-present

Of course, this is just a small sampling of some of the more famous examples of white/Christian terrorism. However, the examples cover a wide enough span of time to demonstrate that white/Christian terrorism is a consistent and real problem and threat to American society.

The fact that I'm having to point these widely publicized terrorists acts out to you all shows how biased some of you are when it comes to terrorism. And I fully expect some of you to try and explain away how these text book examples of terrorism aren't terrorism, even though if we changed the skin color to brown and the religion to Islam, while leaving the events the same, you would be screaming terrorism at the top of your lungs.
I don't get how McVeigh is a christian terrorist. Nor Roof. Does the KKK cite bible verses in their attacks? I also don't think it'd be correct to call them a terrorist organization as well, at least in a contemporary time period. Page and the Sikh Attack?

Reading this article as some background info, but I think we're making one mistake here. Islamic Terrorism is sponsored by an organization, and the only example in the U.S. is the KKK of the early/mid 20th century. It also seems you are conflating "christian terrorism" with "white racist"
There's nothing in the definition of terrorism that suggests the terrorist needs to be a member of an organization. Framing it in such a way is inaccurate and misleading.

As for conflating Christianity and white supremacy, that's why I put and/or.