The News Thread

My criteria are those outlined by the FBI, which I cited, but you were obviously too lazy to read. The acts I referenced are LEGALY defined as terrorism. This isn't just my random opinion. The one's you mentioned aren't terrorism because they aren't politically motivated. If you're not gonna put forth the effort to process my argument, don't bother responding.

First of all, don't tell me what to do you petulant twat.

Now that's out of the way, I have never once said the main incidents you cited weren't terrorist by definition, obviously you were too lazy to read what I wrote, I merely questioned your connection between most of these incidents and Christianity.
Being white and coincidentally Christian in some cases does not even begin to equate with the kind of religious extremism that fuels the mentalities behind Islamic terrorism.
Your comparison of the threat probability between Christianity and Islam is pathetically vapid and stinks of desperation so often seen in arguments in defence of Islam.

I think there are great points to be made in defence of Islam and the peace that Muslims are very much capable of, but nothing you've said are among them.
Anybody that compares Christian intolerance for science for example with radical Muslims executing cartoonists is piffle of the highest order.
Damn anti-abortionists interrupting the river of minority blood amirite?

Pretty much. You have to be a complete cuckold to not support eugenics in some form. Early-term abortion is the most ethical solution to the problem of people having children when they shouldn't.

(That being said, was this even at a minority Planned Parenthood? Colorado Springs is pretty fucking white and middle-class.)
Do early balding white professors with a curiousity of picking up swordfighting spend their life mooching off of social services and committing crimes? Race doesn't have much to do with it though. If you live below the poverty line and cannot support a family, you should not have children. Simple as that.
Hey look, a wild anecdote in its native habitat.

Only an idiot goes "all arabs/muslims are dangerous". The point is that Islam is a religion with some glaring problems in terms of assimilation. The threat of violent radicalization is higher with Islam than any other major religion, regardless of geopolitical happenings. Accordingly and in extension, importing people with such an ideological framework/worldview, who know mostly 3rd world conditions and regular violence is not advantageous to improving the QoL of those already on US soil, muslim or otherwise. Finally, again, Islam is about as regressive as it gets; if one didn't already have an understanding/appreciation for the internal conflictions of progressivism, the progressive support for Muslims being Muslim would be absolutely mindboggling.

My post was primarily in response to HB saying terrorism follows Islam wherever it goes.
Pretty much. You have to be a complete cuckold to not support eugenics in some form. Early-term abortion is the most ethical solution to the problem of people having children when they shouldn't.

(That being said, was this even at a minority Planned Parenthood? Colorado Springs is pretty fucking white and middle-class.)

Colorado Springs is probably 70/30 white to mostly hispanic minority. Few military installations there and is regionally divided by the wealth disparity. The North (location of the Air Force Academy) is the wealthy-whiter part but the southern part is where the Army base is and more hispanic and whatnot. Really christian town, I don't think they've legalized the sale of marijuana yet. Also the home for many Wiccans in the Western part of it.
My post was primarily in response to HB saying terrorism follows Islam wherever it goes.

In a way it does. The USA is strict when it comes to political refugees, and the Muslims you see are the cream of the crop, so obviously you're not going to see terrorism there. What the religion provides is a kind of support net for people that have fucked up in life and direct their failures by blaming the rest of the world. Obviously practitioners of other religions can become radicalized, but jihad provides a basis for it that other religions don't. This is why you have Muslims hijacking airlines even in China. Those kinds make up a small minority relative to all of Islam, but it is still an issue that countries should be mindful of before accepting hundreds of thousands of refugees.
Colorado Springs is probably 70/30 white to mostly hispanic minority. Few military installations there and is regionally divided by the wealth disparity. The North (location of the Air Force Academy) is the wealthy-whiter part but the southern part is where the Army base is and more hispanic and whatnot. Really christian town, I don't think they've legalized the sale of marijuana yet. Also the home for many Wiccans in the Western part of it.

I've spent basically all my life in former territory of Mexico, so I guess I tend to lump them in as white for most cases. The Christian thing is part of what I mean by super-white; it's a conservative, WASP-y area. I think Hispanics are generally less abortion-prone than whites and blacks regardless due to Catholicism, but I might be wrong about that.
Race doesn't have much to do with it though. If you live below the poverty line and cannot support a family, you should not have children. Simple as that.

I've spent basically all my life in former territory of Mexico, so I guess I tend to lump them in as white for most cases. The Christian thing is part of what I mean by super-white; it's a conservative, WASP-y area. I think Hispanics are generally less abortion-prone than whites and blacks regardless due to Catholicism, but I might be wrong about that.

I know man, just bustin your balls. However, I wouldn't count academia as a non-mooching class in toto (and I may wind up an academic).

Former Mexican territory? Were you near me when i was in AZ?

My post was primarily in response to HB saying terrorism follows Islam wherever it goes.

I know. I looked up where you live (assuming Wayne is legit/current) before I accused you of not being around any minorities some time ago. Still aren't around minorities in/from the south. There is definitely a difference. I've known 2 northern blacks, both articulate even though one was a Black Panther. Not even close to such a "success rate" with southern minorities. OTOH, Detroit is still a poster child of what happens when US minorities not from Asia or Europe become a localized majority (like Baltimore). Whatever the reason for that, systemic or genetic, it's there and needs to be addressed in an intelligent and helpful way instead of swept under the rug.

I've got a minority wife so people can fuck right off accusing me of hate, phobia, or some other issue-avoiding-bullshit. No race purity here, just diamond eyes.

Also the home for many Wiccans in the Western part of it.

My mom has gone from fundy to fringe Xtian to now moving into Wiccanism. It's been a mix of sad and funny to watch. Even worse when i called it like 3 years ago she'd go Wiccan. She's reading witch autobios and shit now and been collecting herbs and scouting graveyards for some time so it was kind of obvious.
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You guys derailed the Islam talk with a bunch of bullshit but the last thing that probably interests me on this subject is the reading/interpretations of the Koran. I read so often the conflicting messages of peace/war. Is this an Arabic problem? Manipulation of the original message through time? Anything scholarly (quick/short) to read on this?
You guys derailed the Islam talk with a bunch of bullshit but the last thing that probably interests me on this subject is the reading/interpretations of the Koran. I read so often the conflicting messages of peace/war. Is this an Arabic problem? Manipulation of the original message through time? Anything scholarly (quick/short) to read on this?

I haven't read a single thing, from Islamic sources, that approaches anything in the way of discounting of Jihad or Taqiya. The closest thing is saying that these things are only "defensive" or "only in dire times" etc. Well guess what, offense can easily be considered defense. So basically no limitation. More empty than western "just war" doctrine.
i support planned parenthood, they need to be funded in order to perform as many abortions as possible.
i support planned parenthood, they need to be funded in order to perform as many abortions as possible.

You see, that's why you don't really fit in the American politic thought playground. First you support Trump and other republican shits for saying offensive anti-immigrant shit but then you go on about killing as many fetuses as possible. You realize republicans shoot actual people over fetuses? You don't care for their family values deeply enough. You're not a christian, you're not even white, you're nothing. I don't see why you feel the necessity to ventilate your opinions on american immigration and american fetuses.