The News Thread

You see, that's why you don't really fit in the American politic thought playground. First you support Trump and other republican shits for saying offensive anti-immigrant shit but then you go on about killing as many fetuses as possible. You realize republicans shoot actual people over fetuses? You don't care for their family values deeply enough. You're not a christian, you're not even white, you're nothing. I don't see why you feel the necessity to ventilate your opinions on american immigration and american fetuses.
I don't support everything republicans believe. I agree that some of their beliefs are contradictory. Mine are consistent, being anti-immigrant, pro-abortion and anti-welfare. Lol I'm fucking smarter than republicans... I should form my own political party! So yeah I'm gonna cheer for shit I agree with and rant against shit I don't. I'm a citizen here so this shit concerns me.
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Itani warned that taking the word “Islam” out of the discussion “makes the conflict appear much less complicated than it is, which in turn makes it easier for Western governments to pursue shallow policies toward jihadist Islamism.” This has been seen so far, he said, by a U.S. strategy that seems to consist largely of air strikes, “with no thought to the milieu in which [jihadists] operate, as if they are some anomaly from Mars that has nothing to do with the dire state of Muslim civilization.”

The discussion about the state of Muslim civilization is already much more audacious in small pockets of the Middle East than any discussion being had in the United States, including by Muslim-Americans. From a small but growing trend of atheism, to Egyptian preachers like Islam al-Buhairi, who openly defy the strict austere interpretation of the Quran, or television anchors daring enough to call attention to the content of sermons by Saudi preachers, there is no shortage of candid voices on the issue. After a string of attacks against Shiite mosques in the kingdom earlier this year, Saudis even openly debated the role of clerics in stoking sectarianism with extremist religious rhetoric. Saudi commentator Ibrahim Shaalan tweeted in Arabic, using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State, Daesh, that the group’s “actions are but an epitome of what we’ve studied in our school curriculum. If the curriculum is sound, then Daesh is right, and if it is wrong, then who bears responsibility?

Pretty much what I've been saying.
Back on Climate Change. Cause I be uneducated:

Scientists have long thought that the number of coccolithophores, which are chalk-shelled alge, would decline due to an excess of carbon dioxide. These single-shelled algae play a role in the cycling of calcium carbonate, a factor in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. More specifically, researchers believed that more-acidic oceans would be the downfall of these organisms.

In this latest study, though, the researchers analyzed the data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey from the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea since the mid-1960s. This revealed that carbon dioxide may actually be causing an increase in the population of coccolithophores.
Organisms which help regulate/consume/absorb CO2 in the oceans, which were predicted to be killed by "climate change" - thus exacerbating effects of CO2, are thriving. Kind of a big deal. Someone didn't read/comprehend.
I love it. Literally, one day after everyone acts like I'm making up "Chrisitan terrorism" there's a Chrisitian terrorism attack.

Of course it's easy to justify war with the OT, but only a handful of fringe groups treat the OT as being relevant in any way beyond history, not "tons". I also didn't say Christianity was "pacifist", although many interpret it that way. Jesus did tell his disciples to take swords for self defense. Where are justifications of war in the NT? Armageddon? Haven't seen Jesus coming in the clouds yet. I think you're just pulling stuff out of your ass.

I can give you links to Christians makig these arguments if you'd like, but it's a google search away if you really care to read them. I don't need to make the argument for them. Seeing as I haven't read the Bible in decades, I have no idea if their arguments are valid or not, but indisputably they exist and moreover, are prominant in this country. The majority of the US military is Chrsitian and presumably most of those soliders think they are acting in accordance with their faith. The Republican party has the higher percentage of Christians in their party and tend to be the more pro war party. Again, most of those Christians do not think thier pro war position is contradictory to their faith.

Now you are talking about government declarations instead of a dictionary definition. Make up your mind. I would call them terrorists, but they don't fit the "political" definition.

Look at the criteria for domestic terrorism I posted the other day. Which criteria do they not fulfill?
I love it. Literally, one day after everyone acts like I'm making up "Chrisitan terrorism" there's a Chrisitian terrorism attack.

I can give you links to Christians making these arguments if you'd like, but it's a google search away if you really care to read them. I don't need to make the argument for them. Seeing as I haven't read the Bible in decades, I have no idea if their arguments are valid or not, but indisputably they exist and moreover, are prominant in this country. The majority of the US military is Chrsitian and presumably most of those soliders think they are acting in accordance with their faith. The Republican party has the higher percentage of Christians in their party and tend to be the more pro war party. Again, most of those Christians do not think thier pro war position is contradictory to their faith.

Sure it's possible that people claiming to be Christian engage in terrorism. It's not a Christian tenet. I don't know what's so hard to understand about that. I'll help you out since you haven't read the Bible in decades: I spent the first 18 years of my life attending fundy churches 3+ times a week, and less than a decade ago I purchased a Strong's concordance and did a very indepth biblical study on anything remotely current (my findings were a significant impetus for dropping Christianity) . There's nothing within the NT to justify any sort of violence against non-believers, and even typical southern fundamentalist baptists don't preach anything even remotely smacking of violence against unbelievers, abortion doctors or otherwise.

I'm pretty sick of insulated yanks and Cali hippies making sweeping declarations about middle America and the South without so much as the remotest exposure to the rest of the world, much less those portions of America or the people thereof.

Look at the criteria for domestic terrorism I posted the other day. Which criteria do they not fulfill?

There's no political objective. Derp.

Comn rms, don't be stupid. Quote the rest.
The long term return of carbon to the Earth is in thousands of years, usually, so I don't think that has any weight into a discussion on climate change. The short term does, as there is a lot of theories by year 2050 etc.
One theory is that the Himalayan ice caps would melt and thus send hundreds of millions of people to death/relocation etc. I said earlier that North America probably isn't going to be effected outside of wealthy beachfront property only on the east coast. But poor people in Asia, in theory, have a lot to worry about. Maldives, I believe, is being swallowed by the sea level rise. Things like that.
One theory is that the Himalayan ice caps would melt and thus send hundreds of millions of people to death/relocation etc. I said earlier that North America probably isn't going to be effected outside of wealthy beachfront property only on the east coast. But poor people in Asia, in theory, have a lot to worry about. Maldives, I believe, is being swallowed by the sea level rise. Things like that.

Sure, there are very adverse outcomes globally from rising sea levels, which are a pretty sure outcome from rising temps. On the whole though, rising global temps increase arable land/global population potential.
Nothing is going to make the Middle East more arable, if anything it's going to help northern Canada

Yup. On a similar note:
