The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

People reading a lot into this lol
A decent song, could be better if it relied less on rehashed ideas from other songs. Both solos are nice, I like the keyboard, the drumming is top-class :kickass:
Yeah, given Alexi condition, the director shouldn't have filmed this strictly from upfront with all those closeups. Some angles shots would have been better. And if Alexi was drunk or whatever, he could have focused more on the rest of the band.

The beginning of the Daniel's solo doesn't look like it matches what he supposed to be playing as far as I can tell. His lick after the solo is great though.
Best thing is not to speculate and create rumors, without facts and proof.

It's not speculation. :) Alix has been on the forum for a long time (just like you), he is in contact with Henkka (cobhc shared Alix's photos, Henkka follows him on Instagram and they friend on FB etc.). I think he is trustworthy, because he has some trustworthy sources.
You don't trust him, I understand, but I'm yes.
Anyway, it's a review about Paint the Skye with Blood song and EP.

" (...) the second song on the album has that a trademark style... guitar solo - keyboard solo - guitar solo; and then the last song on the EP is a Dissection cover and what a cover it is... it has incredible keyboards incredible orchestration, making it almost like a symphonic death metal song (...) "

I'm excited for "Payback's A Bitch". Double guitar solo with a keyboard solo... (like Roadkill Morning). That sounds interesting.
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It's not speculation. :) Alix has been on the forum for a long time (just like you), he is in contact with Henkka (cobhc shared Alix's photos, Henkka follows him on Instagram and they friend on FB etc.). I think he is trustworthy, because he has some trustworthy sources.
You don't trust him, I understand, but I'm yes.

well, that is still no evidence or proof, so yes its speculation. But you can belive what you want. :)
well, that is still no evidence or proof, so yes its speculation. But you can belive what you want. :)

Could share some private messages or something, but... I don't know it would be a good idea.
Nevermind. We don't know to persuade each other, so... let go of the "topic". ( :
well, that is still no evidence or proof, so yes its speculation. But you can belive what you want. :)

Idk if you're in denial or just have never seen an alcoholic in your life. I've unfortunately had the displeasure of knowing plenty of them and has mannerisms and look in general is that of someone milking a hangover with more alcohol. And yes, I'm about 99% positive that Daniel wouldn't be like "Oh yeah, he was drunk as shit and looked like the crypt keeper"
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Do we really need to continue to speculate/talk about if alexi was drunk during the music video? What does it matter now? It’s not going to change anything. He is gone. Share some positive memories or stories of children of bodom/alexi instead of worrying about if he was trashed during the music video. “End of fucking story.”
Glad one of your 37 posts in the span of 17 years was to white knight.

You're right though, it isn't going to change anything, but people need to stop being naive. Dude died from alcohol related illness and multiple people cite him drinking until his last days.

Seems silly to just be like "Welp, we don't know for sure since we haven't seen it ourselves".
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Glad one of your 37 posts in the span of 17 years was to white knight.

You're right though, it isn't going to change anything, but people need to stop being naive. Dude died from alcohol related illness and multiple people cite him drinking until his last days.

Seems silly to just be like "Welp, we don't know for sure since we haven't seen it ourselves".

You are right, I rarely do post here in the 17 years I’ve usually just sit back and see what others say/post. I didn’t mean what I said to be negative. I just don’t get what’s the end result of discussing if he was drunk. We all knew he had a serious issue. It’s a bummer he was not able to kick the drinking. I’m glad we got a few new songs before he left this world.
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Idk if you're in denial or just have never seen an alcoholic in your life. I've unfortunately had the displeasure of knowing plenty of them and has mannerisms and look in general is that of someone milking a hangover with more alcohol. And yes, I'm about 99% positive that Daniel wouldn't be like "Oh yeah, he was drunk as shit and looked like the crypt keeper"

This has nothing to do with denial. Im not saying he was or wasnt. He had drinking problems for years. It dident start now. He died because of liver damage from many years drinking. But if you look at history, he was wery serious about recordings, work ethic and being a perfectionist. So it sems wierd that he suddenly was drunk in his first music video after 25+ years. But belive what you want. Maybe he was or maybe he wasnt. When your liver is fucked up, it will cause you to have pain and i guess make you not look so good.
Glad one of your 37 posts in the span of 17 years was to white knight.

You're right though, it isn't going to change anything, but people need to stop being naive. Dude died from alcohol related illness and multiple people cite him drinking until his last days.

Seems silly to just be like "Welp, we don't know for sure since we haven't seen it ourselves".

sems a bit silly to be like "wiep, a guy/girl told me on a forum that he was drunk, then it have to be true"
" So it sems wierd that he suddenly was drunk in his first music video after 25+ years. "
No, not first. I send you an image that Alix sent to me. (but he already wrote here about Blooddrunk)
It would be really good to close the topic, but I still had to react to that.
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I have still some quite different "problem" with the song/video than you guys...for years I couldn't wait for the first snippets of a new COB album and listened to it as soon as possible. Same with other favourite bands of mine - I'm always very curious and can't wait to finally hear it. The very long wait for "Hexed" was killing me and I actually got a little mad at Nuclear Blast because from the interviews it sounded like they were the problem it got delayed so much. In retrospect, I assume it already had something to do with what happened later...

The first time listening to new songs is always special to me, and especially with Bodom. You know all their albums and the style, but still, Alexi always managed to surprise me and come up with something new I hadn't heard like this before, but loved instantaneously. It was such a great feeling hearing most of those songs for the first time.

But now we're in the situation that no more than 2 new songs are left...and that's it, forever. :( I actually didn't manage to listen to the song yet...on the one side I'm of course curious what it sounds like and I read all your impressions here with big interest. On the other side I hate to know that after this there is only one song left and then that's it. I've never been in a situation like this where I kinda "feared" to listen to new music, it baffles me. From what I've read I don't know if I should watch the video at all...I don't wanna see Alexi in a bad state again. I'll probably only listen to the song, not watch the video.

Well, I don't know when I'll finally be in the right "mood" to listen to the song, could be later today, could be in 4 weeks, no idea. I want to hear it, but I know it probably won't give me that usual feeling of joy...actually, the better the song (and the new band) is, the more it will suck that this is all he could do.

I almost wish there happened nothing after would still be tragic and sad, but it's just fucked up how we had to get over the sudden end of COB, then slowly grew anticipation for his new band, they had their first (good) concerts, they went in the studio, were excited and had big plans for the future...and then after 3 concerts and recording only two songs it was all over again...and now for good. Sorry if this all sounds a little melodramatic, but those last 2 years (since he looked really sick on the Hexed tour) really bummed me out again and again.