The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

So tell me, I haven’t heard anything.

But I hope people don’t just purely buy into one side of any story. Life will teach you there are two sides to every story, and usually the one that is more false is more loud.
So tell me, I haven’t heard anything.

But I hope people don’t just purely buy into one side of any story. Life will teach you there are two sides to every story, and usually the one that is more false is more loud.
Sent u a private message. The messages aren't anything very dramatic, more just details about stuff.
Yeah check your messages. But for any more people I'm not forwarding, ask Alix, these are his pics and it is better that he is on track about who these have been shared to.
Thanks Alix for sharing these!
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I think I can sense which band member was talking. Nothing new really and nothing ill said. Just one interesting detail about Alexi's artistic dedication to making one of the song videos.
I think one thing in the messages kinda explains why shit went down the way it did, to me at least. That whoever it was said Alexi suddenly changed his mind about breaking up.
I mean the statement like "we just couldnt come to an agreement about stuff" and Alexi being all like "well obviously I'm going to continue" and the guys taking the name from him.
Maybe the thing they "couldn't agree about" was: Is COB the same band, does it matter who plays even if the songwriter doesn't change? With the guys having always said stuff like "it's gotta be exactly these guys". But from a songwriters point of view it's understandable to think you can continue with whoever, but from the whole "hate crew" perspective it's different.

I think that's the only thing that has anything important to do with the band breaking up.

Well also I think (don't mean to drag Alexi I genuinely think he is a good person) that with Alexi constantly having some sort of issues (really I mean has there been a period of more than two years without him getting hurt? and everything isn't said publicly. ) it can also be somewhat of an issue to band chemistry to always have something to worry about, but I don't think it really is the main reason for any drama.
Sorry this was kind of a ramble I haven't slept lol
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I don't think it's something that should be discussed publicly; Alix sent out private messages for the purpose of not singling out the member.
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That's fair enough. But I believe I know for a fact who did and I simply wondered whether others think the same thing. But sure, better not to bring it up too publicly as it comes from private discussions. I didn't intend to sound as if I wanted to "put them on the gallows" (as we say in French).
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I can't remember when I first heard of Waltteri Väyrynen. I think it was when he was still making amateur drum covers online and doing some "replacement" for other drummers on tour. Anyway, he always seem to be like an absolute beast on the drums and that's one decision I'm glad Laiho took. The right kind of drummer for Bodom.
I don't know how much Paradise Lost tours, but Bodom won't skip tours just because their drummer has an overlapping schedule with another band. Unless their intention is to tour less.

I'd like to see the bassist play. You know, some actually find bass interesting, even in this kind of context where bass serves musically only the low end.