Maybe the questions being more interestimg back in the day were also because often in Soundi/Inferno, all the rest of finnish big magazines it seemed like the journalists were friends with the band. Even in foreign magazines the journalists had seen COB multiple times and actively would ask about stuff the fans would want to know. But nowadays there's new people in the music magazines and it looks like it's some summer job kid copy pasteing interviews and linking youtube vids.
Actually in the last few years it's been Jussi 69 who has asked the most interesting questions? But yeah he's friends with Alexi so he knows whats new.
I remember the Blooddrunk hype was so fuckin cool, it was what brought me into this band, felt like I couldn't get enough, there was something new to find all the time. Damn I wish I could time travel it was a great time in my life too
I was 10 years old when Blooddrunk came out and it was the best thing to come home from school every day to blast COB and other bands home alone and drink coffee. I spent a lot of time on this forum too and I pretty much learnt english mostly from here and COB interviews, I would sit in front of the computer with a dictionary figuring out what everyone was saying!
But it's true, social media seems to make attention spans shorter. It could be other things too but it's kinda depressing I don't find the interest to be as passionate or interested in things nowadays. I spent so much time finding new bands and reading stuff, buying and borrowing albums and watching dvds. Now I don't do any of that anymore. I think I should take a break from the whole internet for a bit and read a couple of books