baptized in blood
What's taking so damn long? I've been waiting for Obliterhate for years and they didn't even tell us what the hell is happening with that???
Was just wondering what happened with that too.
What's taking so damn long? I've been waiting for Obliterhate for years and they didn't even tell us what the hell is happening with that???
I'm starting to loose interest. I've waiting around here with all these false promises, people are starting to get pissed off. Wake up Mr Swano, you do have a fanbase believe it or not. Do you care to even acknowledge that?! I don't know if you are, but if you care people are starting to get irritated.
I'm starting to loose interest. I've waiting around here with all these false promises, people are starting to get pissed off. Wake up Mr Swano, you do have a fanbase believe it or not. Do you care to even acknowledge that?! I don't know if you are, but if you care people are starting to get irritated.
Well, those people can piss right the fuck off! Dan doesn't owe them anything. He will release something when he's ready.
No artist owes "fans" anything, unless they've paid for it. And to be quite honest, if as many people who claim to be Swano fans actually paid for his music, he'd probably be quite wealthy.
Either way, real fans don't get irritated. Assholes do.