The NOW PLAYING thread

D_S: you made me get off my ass (well, not too much), and Iced Earth (and In Flames :bah: ) will be here on 4/17. Good stuff. Now I just have to find out the venue... Oooh, the Metro. Good stuff... I've never seen a show there, but ran into Axl Rose there 2 November's ago... odd.

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out if it's a good thing that they're going through TicketMaster... probably bad.
Well, what I meant by "get off my ass" was open a new browser window and go to the web site. All it took was about 5 minutes... which means 5 minutes less sleep tonight. And that's definitely not good exercise.

If any of you could hook me up with a 30-hour day or two, I'd be much obliged.
Originally posted by HellSpawn
@Lutz, I have them all on one Mini Disc :D

I just love putting it on random :cool:

I have them all converted into mp3s myself (except Ödemarkens Son, still need to buy that one..!), I love putting my whole cd collection on random! :D
ok ok.. you win :p :lol:
but I like to have more control of what band I'm listening too... so therefor I have one MD for each band :D
just to bad you can only get 320 min on one disc... so I cant have all my Dream Theater albums on one disc :bah:
well, not too long.. I'm not complaining.. i love long albums :D
but I want to do the same as with Vintersorg.. and Opeth(just that I cant do that anymore when the new one is coming out), and Borknagar, and Nevermore, Pain of Salvation, Enslaved, Windir and many more :D