The NOW PLAYING thread

There's a video for Sleeping Sun on the From Wishes to Eternity DVD.

The Rhapsody was OK. It needs quite a few more listens before I can give a good feeling. This Blind Guardian is a bit disappointing, but this track ain't bad.

And I hate Ticketmaster because they're adding $9.67 in service charges to a $18 ticket. That's more than 50%. I'm debating trying to get in at the door! And that'd be after a 45 minute drive in (maybe less if I go straight from work)...

Let's see... I'm getting up in 5 hours, I went to bed 2 hours ago, I only got 4 hours of sleep last night. and I am WIDE FUCKING AWAKE thank you very much.

fucking hell.

Maybe I'll just drink half that bottle of wine sitting in the fridge... that might help... probably not.
Originally posted by Soulburner

Oh, I don't want to say anything bad about their music (because I simly haven't heard them) nut bandname "Korova" sound very funny and stupid to me... "Korova" means "cow" in russian...

I know :)
but but since I'm not russian it's easier for me to ignore the funny nuance of that name.
Maybe the band was also ignorant about that cow-thing when they decided their name. That band is Austrian if I recall correctly.
Originally posted by HellSpawn
cant see any NP for you Blackspirit...

i guess this wont work either...

I did a little message to Mark in the shoutbox
on the mainsite, and we'll see if he answers
and fixes the problem... :eek:) I hope he will, or
this beautiful thread will have to change to -->

NP: Nothing :eek:(((( Hehe....
Actually I got through work much better than I expected. But on 3 hours of sleep, you can't be too busy, or you'll tire yourself out too much. But if you don't have anything to do, you'll get bored and sleepy. Fine balance.

But I just did a good bike ride (and then collapsed on the arm chair for an hour... pretty bad for a 25 minute ride!). Forgot about the slight asthma I have... ah well.... Only 3 hours until I can go to bed.
Oh yeah, forgot about the BG question. I only heard it twice, but on the way home today (2nd time), it caught my ear. It's one of the better ones on the disc. But I don't like half of Prescious Jerusalem and a couple others.

Just finished singing along with the V-man for all of hedniskhjärtad and Til Fjälls. I think I have most of the pronunciation figured out, but it's hard to do it at speed. Especially when he growls a couple words a second. yow! Still not as difficult as when I tried to sing along to the "in the Tavern" part of Carmina Burana. Man that goes fast.

hopefully I'll have time for the other 2 tonight too... :)

but until that... It got munged before, but I'm really digging this album... especially Mr. Dickinson's track... :D