The NOW PLAYING thread

Someone mind translating this for me? It's a song by Dimmu Borgir on the album of For All Tid. Thanks. :)

Det Nye Riket

Vart hat skal vinne.
Var ondskap skal gro.
A feste seg i unge sjeler.

Den siste krig skal vi vinne,
og de godes blod skal falle som regn.
Deres korte sjeler skal samles.

Vi skal ra de over kaos og evig natt.
Vi skal glemme de kvinnelig vikante modre,
og utslette alt.

Et rike skal reiset seg,
i asken av brennte hjem,
det er kun en herre hersker,
vi heller deg Satan de sterkes konge.

Din tid er kommet.
adios DWD, have a chupi day

as for me im starting to get back into Angel Dust, i need Bleed and the darkness cd.............I NEED MONEY! TOO MANY CDS TO BUY!
oh a translation ..very chupi :)

Det Nye Riket _ the new kingdom

Vart hat skal vinne _ Our hate will win
Var ondskap skal gro. _ Our evilness will grow
A feste seg i unge sjeler _ to attach itself/get tied (?) in young souls

Den siste krig skal vi vinne, _We will win the last war
og de godes blod skal falle som regn. _ and the blood of the good will fall like rain
Deres korte sjeler skal samles. _ Their small souls will be gathered

Vi skal ra de over kaos og evig natt. _ We will rule them through/under (i don't know which the correct preposition :p ) chaos and eternal night
Vi skal glemme de kvinnelig vikante modre, _ We will forget the female (???)_________ i don' understand a shit of it :p
og utslette alt. _ and tear everything

Et rike skal reiset seg, _ a kingdom shall rise
i asken av brennte hjem, _ the ashes of burnt homes/home (?)
det er kun en herre hersker, _ it is only (?) a man (that?) rules
vi heller deg Satan de sterkes konge. _ we hail you Satan king of the strong

Din tid er kommet. _ your time has come

hehe i'm sure i've fucked up many things,i don't know norwegian,i can only understand (some)

EDIT: those lyrics are uhmmmmm hehe let's say funny :lol:
Forget the females? Is Dimmu Borgir planning creating a race of satanist homosexuals that will destroy all the world!? AH NO!!!

Yes I should visit the Angel Dust forum, good to know I have some friends in there :)
Good work Mel!
I´m Swede so I´m not that good at this either, I´ll se if I can get some things straight tho..:)

Vart hat skal vinne _ Our hate will win
Var ondskap skal gro. _ Our evilness will grow
A feste seg i unge sjeler _ and attach itself in young souls

Den siste krig skal vi vinne, _We will win the last war
og de godes blod skal falle som regn. _ and the blood of the good will fall like rain
Deres korte sjeler skal samles. _ Their small souls will be gathered

Vi skal ra de over kaos og evig natt. _ We will rule over chaos and eternal night ( i think ra de is actually råde, am I wrong here? )
Vi skal glemme de kvinnelig vikante modre, _ We will forget the female (???)_________ i don' understand a shit of it
og utslette alt. _ and tear everything me neither

Et rike skal reiset seg, _ a kingdom shall rise
i asken av brennte hjem, _ through the ashes of burnt homes
det er kun en herre hersker, _where only one man rules
vi heller deg Satan de sterkes konge. _ we hail you Satan king of the strong

Din tid er kommet. _ your time has come

yeaps.... :)

np: Tiamat - church of tiamat
EY FJELL?!??? What the hell does "vikante" mean?
I dunno what it means in Norwegian! Hehehe

Re-living some great moments from yesterday,
Entombed did a good gig, from what I could hear,
during the first half anyway... :eek:)