The NOW PLAYING thread

When I think of this album I get all pumped up,
so I'm just trying to work myself up to get some
thoughts around my examqustions... How do I
want to solve the problems, and how will I
make the site look, etc :eek:) I'm looking forward
to seeing the result of my work :eek:)
I'm drunk and listening to nothing but as I don't post useless posts :)p) when I sober, I think this is a good opportunity to raise the amount of my posts by one :p

(this won't make sense anyway but if you are reading this it must mean that I was drunk enough to actually post this..)
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Whoi whoi!!! I think my site for this exam
is getting a shape! :eek:) Simple but
understandable navigation.... *Proud*

Hope you're gonna let us see that stuff when u're done..?!?

Simple nav. is always a plus. I never use navigation where
one has to solve a puzzle before getting anywhere :)
Howdy Devilot!!! :eek:) Pop into the Happy Birthday
thread and join the party! :eek:)

Originally posted by Lordenlil
Hope you're gonna let us see that stuff when u're done..?!?

Simple nav. is always a plus. I never use navigation where
one has to solve a puzzle before getting anywhere :)

Ya, if I can find some available webspace on one
of my servers (those 2000 Decibelpics are huge!!
hehe) I'll upp it :eek:) I need some comments and
stuff on what to make better, what is confusing
and maybe you (Lordenlil) could help me if there
are any unnecessary (sp?) html codes in there... :eek:)

ENERGY --> COME TO ME!!!! :eek:))
Originally posted by Blackspirit

Ya, if I can find some available webspace on one
of my servers (those 2000 Decibelpics are huge!!
hehe) I'll upp it :eek:) I need some comments and
stuff on what to make better, what is confusing
and maybe you (Lordenlil) could help me if there
are any unnecessary (sp?) html codes in there... :eek:)

No problem, I'll have a look when u're done. :)

Noooow plaaayyiiing! DEATH - Symbolic :headbang: