The NOW PLAYING thread

Originally posted by The Nomad
Such refreshing variety on this album... but all with the same underlying basis.

I was just listening to The Vilest Of Worms To Dwell by Hollenthon

NP: Theory In Practice - Colonizing The Sun
Originally posted by Lordenlil
I was just listening to The Vilest Of Worms To Dwell by Hollenthon

See, that's a great album, but it doesn't have the variety that Domus Mundi does. It's pretty much a similar style and mode the whole album. DM has arabic, celtic, (american) indian, and other-influenced songs, along with a couple male choir chants. And they're distinct, each song.

Anyway, I nearly forgot I had this Lunar Strain/Subterranian rerelease!
Nomad.. that is weird.. because I was just in the In Flames forum telling them that was the 1. In Flames album I heard... Lunar Strain :eek:

Good, Iceheart :grin:

NP: Still 'A Blaze...'
@Nomad: second Hollenthon album is much better, but of course both are great :D