The NOW PLAYING thread

Originally posted by Final_Vision
*wondering if the rest of this CD is this good*

man, this album (resurrection) is one of my all-time-faves! the songs alter: first one (resurrection) is slower, the next (crimson snow) is faster, third one (adultery) is slower again, etc. but all songs are heavy and I mean h.e.a.v.y.!! and melodic throughout. to me, it's Godgory's masterpiece.

I just wanted to recommend you to get it at amazon for almost peanuts, but I just saw that sells it more expensive than :confused:
Originally posted by Phyros
has anyone heard Lacona Coil?

Well, I know it a late response, but I have liked The Gathering since Alway's came out(11 year's?). If you like The Gathering you might want to check it out. I know this.... you can feel much emotion is expressed when you see them live, if you like them or not.
Originally posted by SonOfAbyss
Well Nomad, you must be ready to feast then:) :flame:
It's past Sundown.

Well, it's mid-morning over here right now, but that was on Monday anyway.

The annoying thing about starving yourself is that you think you're going to eat a whole lot when you're done, but you get full real quick, and if you eat TOO fast, you could get sick. But I have most of it figured out now...

And the first 4 tracks of this album are briliant
Ya, Ive spent plenty of time without food to know about your stomach shrinking, then the feast will have to last longer!
Sundown is past Cemetary which end up Cemetary 1213 and sundown is an eve away from now is why I said that.