The NOW PLAYING thread

Originally posted by Blackspirit

*Jaw falls to the floor*

Seriously, it DID!!!!!!!!! My mouth stayed open till the
end of page 43!!! Hehehehe.... My gawd! >:eek:)

*Shakes head*

*Starts crying uncontrollable*

Yeah, I'll have ya hanged!!!! HANGED!!!!!!!!
*sob* *grrrrrrrrrr*

Seriously, which songs did you check out?!
My mission failed! lol! I have probably talked so much
about them that you had too high expectations, or
were sick of them already! Hehehe >:eek:) Well, it's cool
to see that we're all not the same, innit? It would've
been crazy if we all here liked the same bands,
wouldn't it? I'd get scared and leave >:eek:P Hehe....

hehehe, I love Thyrfing and yes I think it would be great having a Thyrfing forum at UM
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Seriously, which songs did you check out?!

I just tried the clips off of the website. I am EXTREMELY picky about vocals, and I didn't really like them. And the music behind it wasn't too interesting. I'll search for some more clips today since I'm home sick. Things could change. The first 2 times I heard Opeth I didn't catch on. And now they're my favorite of all time.

My throat's about to explode...
Originally posted by The Nomad
ahhhh... MDB.

I did try a couple more Thyrfing tracks, and they do sound better, but much more research is in order...

Did you check out "Home Again"?
It's one of my fav' tracks,
and everyone seems to love it :eek:)

By the way, I had to listen to
Thyrfing loads before they became
my ..erm... "heroes" >:eek:P
Weird, innit?
Home Again is my favorite Thyrfing song and its what got me into them. I bought Urkraft on "Home Again" alone :D (turned out very pleasantly suprised) Only tiff is dont you think it was unnecesarry to redo the whole intro after the first verse/refrain?
Kinda irked me a lil....

at any rate.......I AM NOW PLAYING>>>......searching.....
:eek: DAMNIT! I missed it, i have no idea what my 2000th post was.....maybe ill sure it was in the dt forum, maybe....hrm....