The NOW PLAYING thread

@Phyros: You watch Taz? That evil beast cartoon guy? Hehe. I just watched the replay of the Russia vs. the USA. Man, what a match, did they really need to stop the clock at a second to see if they would score? I mean, you barely have time to pass with 1 second left on the clock.
BillowOfZeal is the coolest.

DwD, yeah, they needed that second, otherwise Russia would protest major... dont even start that conversation up.

"The whole world, loves it when you're in the news...
And the whole word.. loves it when you sing the blues..."


Hey Phyros, you need to get AIM or mIRC.

@DeadWinterDead... Of course I watch TAZ! I love his growls and whirlwind locomotion...:)

@J the TyranT... Why do I need AIM or mIRC? (I do have mIRC..:) )

NE (now eating): sandwich with mustard...mmmmmm...

-phyros (just got home from work)
Phyros, cuz yer cool and I wanna talk to ya and shite. Come on DALnet, to #ultimatemetal or #Steve_DiGiorgio or something.. #hockey too =)