The NOW PLAYING thread

Maybe this'll get me to compare hundreds of pages of documents to each other.

People used to say that computers would make offices use less paper... no, it just makes it easier to produce MORE paper. I just got a document for hydraulics... 892 pages. I only needed to print about 100 of them to compare to the previous version (which is also 100 pages), but man, that's a lot of paper.
Hah! I wish.

I just spent the last hour comparing one 72 page pile of numbers to another 72 page pile of numbers. And I get to do it to two more sets of 10 page piles of numbers.

It's quite dull.

At least my officemate's left, so I can turn on the speakers, but that just means its past quitting time....
Originally posted by The Nomad
Dear god, I don't know who recommended Evergrey, but this is the cheesiest song I've ever heard!

As for Dark Moore, the music isn't too good, but the vocals aren't too bad. And I'm very picky about my vocals.

Seriously, wrong song!!!

Check out their last album "In Search Of Truth",
it's just amazing!! I fell in love with it so hard it
hurt! But then again.... I did that with Thyrfing
as well, and we both know that story >:eek:P

But, my fav songs from their last album;
"The Masterplan" and "Watching The Skies"
The last one makes me shiver.... :eek:)
Oh, and "Words Mean Nothing" is an amazing
balladthingie... I love this band.... Ah...... :eek:)

Pluss, I checked out Awake + Images & Words
by Dream Theater.... This far I've only been
through Images & Words twice, but it actually
sounds good! I'm surprised! :eek:)
I'll give it some more time :eek:)
Thanks for the recommendations!
Originally posted by The Nomad
Ah, poor song choice might explain it... On audiogalaxy, I just pick a band and download the top 5-8 songs and just listen to those, regardless of album (since you can't get that info there...). You're actually asking me to put effort into this? for shame.

Stop being lazy, it's music damn it!!!! MUSIC!!!! :eek:))))

Oh, and thanks for reminding me to listen to this band!
I didn't realize until now how much I'd missed them! :eek:)