The NOW PLAYING thread

woohoo! just got some good news(other then the 1800th post :D )
I have been away this weekens atending at Ungdomens Kulturmønstring, Fyllkes Mønstringa(for those who does not understand what this is, who is most of you I guess, it is a huge thing here in norway, where ppl in the age between 13-22 (i think) can atend with different stage preformense(?) everything from band to dancing and videos, and allso art. and well, first there is one local compotision where you do what ever you do, and a jury desides who goes to the next 'round', which is Fyllkes Mønstringa, and after that it is a Lands Mønstring, where all the best from whole Norway does what they do... but at Lands Mønstringa there are no more compotision... you have won if you get that far :) ) and well... yesterday I played(not in my usual band, but in a jazz prosject I'm playing in these days) at Fyllkes Mønstringa... and just now I got the news that we was one of the few selected to go play at a festival('cuz there are no Lands Mønstring this year, there are some festivals instead)
that is actully kinda big, hehe :D

understand if it became kinda messy and you did not understand all what i ment... but well my english sux... and it is a norwegian thing
thanx :D

and well yes I play jazz :cool:
well actully I only started playing it to the UKM(Ungomens Kultur Mønstring)
I have never done it before... and it is actully kinda cool :)
and jazz is a great way to expand as a musician