"The Odyssey" voted #1 album of 2002 by Perpetual Motion Forum!

Originally posted by Buzz Fledderjon
Just as a note, Labrie has vastly improved his live performance.

Really? the last DT performance I heard was in 99 or 2000... so i'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
It seems like we're more obsessed with Dream Theater here than we are with Symphony X!

Nobody polarizes the prog community more than DT. :) I also experinced a good deal of agreement with the Perp list, 11 of the choices made my top 25 list (12 if I had counted Andromeda as a 2002 release.)
ProgMetalFan - trust me dude, I'm WAY more obsessed with Symphony X!

Mainly I think Labrie FINALLY realised his limiations. You gotta admit, when he's in his range(the key word here is when) he really has a kool , unique sound. Unless you're one of those who just can't stand him. And, boy have I met alot of those people.:lol:

But NO ONE who listens to Dreamscape can say a single solitary word!
I'll have to admit I'm fairly obsessed with Dream Theater. :) I wouldn't really mention them here any more than other favorite bands...it just comes up in the course of discussion. I just have a hard time keeping my mouth shut when I see DT bashing. ;) I know some people think they're overrated. I know people who think Symphony X is overrated. I happen to think they both deserve all the praise I've heard given to them, and then some. I'm not the only one. But there are bands I think are overrated too. This is a relatively small genre as it is...not everyone has to like all bands but no need to pick at each other about it!
You're right, Kyra. I'll admit to being guilty of my share of Dream Theater bashing (mostly due to my disdain of their latest release)... but the constant Symphony X/Dream Theater competition (and you'll see this elsewhere with prog-metal bands Threshold Vs. Dream Theater, Pain of Salvation vs. Dream Theater, etc.) is really quite irritating. The music of Symphony X is great enough to stand on its own... without having to be dragged through these ridiculous Dream Theater comparisons and competitions by their fans.
I completely agree that Symphony X stands on their own. As does Threshold, etc. No argument there at all.

But I don't think Dream Theater fans are always, or even mostly, the "guilty" ones as far as these comparisons go. Some threads are brought up by people not too familiar with either band and are simply wanting to get opinions, like the recent DT vs. Threshold thread in another forum. The name Dream Theater is everywhere and people get curious about other bands who get compared to them. I can go on e-bay and search for Dream Theater, and I'll wind up with a ton of entries that say something like "exciting prog disc from Threshold, similar to Dream Theater!" People pushing the DT name to sell their stuff, and it gets annoying. I would never tell someone that Threshold sounds like Dream Theater, because they don't! If I didn't know any better though I might think hmm, this Threshold band keeps coming up when I search for DT. They must sound like them, I wonder if they are as good?

Then there are people constantly comparing their favorite band to DT. I usually like to lurk somewhere before I post and I lurked on this forum for a while. From my observations there aren't too many Dream Theater fans coming in and saying that DT is better than SX. It seems that 9 times out of 10 DT is brought up so someone can say something like LaBrie sucks or make up silly puns on the name of their latest album. The rest of the time, the comparison threads are just as likely to be started by SX fans than DT fans, if not more often by SX fans. I agree the DT vs SX polls are kinda silly. (That Russ Allen vs. Bruce Dickinson sword contest thing was pretty funny though!)

And yes, there are the asshole Dream Theater fans. I read several of the DT forums and they usually have a lot of nice things to say about SX and there are certainly people there who consider SX their favorite band. They certainly have their arrogant fans, but it's really no different from any other band. The way some of those people put down other bands isn't any worse than the way some people in here put down the bands that they think are somehow inferior. It shouldn't be a competition!
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
uhhh... yes he was

Currently listening to LOTEOF.......

Gotta agree with ProgMetalFan there, he's amazing live. I like LaBrie as well though.. Not all his stuff, but he isn't bad.. Haven't heard him live though.
I think Dream Theater is also a great band (I was addicted to Scenes... for quite a long time), but James' voice doesn't really thrill me too often. I meant no offense by that first post, I just think there are a lot of much better singers out there.
I'll always be addicted to Scenes. :) But no problem korruption - I don't think you *must* love James' voice, or even like it. Just that some people, like me, would vote for him because we actually do like it!

There are certainly some stuck up DT fans out there, but every band has that. Certainly Rush does, but you don't see too many of them on forums like this because they those particular Rush fans look down their noses at just about everything labeled prog metal at all.
Originally posted by busty sinclair
the same could be said about russell allen if you ask me. i love russell allen dont get me wrong, but i've heard him live and he wasnt anything to brag about.

Um.... Russell Allen CRUSHED live when I saw them in Detroit and Cleveland. He is easily the best singer I've ever seen live. He hit EVERY note, unlike Labrie, who could not hit shit live. Labrie wasn't THAT bad otherwise I guess. Russell Allen also knows how to work the crowd, whereas Labrie is just some regular guy just sitting up there saying shit that any one of us would be saying in the same position. Nothing special about that.
I've seen La Brie live last year and he wasnt too impressive, but I still think he's one of the best (or maybe: most interesting) metal singers out there. He has a unique sound in his voice, and I really like that. You always have to consider that the stuff he's singing live is extremely difficult. Especially the older DT stuff is extremely high (not only a few notes, but the whole song). I mean, try to sing Learning to Live, Take the Time and Voices in a row. I bet almost every singer would have problems with that...

Has anyone heard La Brie's performance on Trent Gardner's "Leonardo - The Absolute Man"? The song "Shaping the Invisible" is maybe his best performance ever imo. I also like his latest Mullmuzler album. Most stuff there is better than the latest DT imo.
Originally posted by Demonspell
Yeah, that's what I have the problem with, fans who think progressive metal begins and ends with Dream Theater...while they did introduce me to the genre, they are no longer its epicenter, maybe in terms of awareness but not artistically.

I find it funny that James LaBrie beats out Nils Rue from Pagans Mind? LOL!! Oooooooooooooo k!

Overall its a good list, and there was alot of good CD's in 2002, so it works out best!

I went with Pagans Mind as my # 1 CD for 2002 with Odyssey right behind it.

IF you guys are into alot of METAL and want mp3's alot of metal news, and tidbits, come check out my Pagan's Mind board please!

Ah geez...and on it goes. Who is better, even live, often just comes down to opinion and personal preference. I've walked out of shows thinking a guy had an off night while a friend thought it was an amazing performance, and vice versa. I've heard a lot of complaints about Hansi's stage presence but I think he fits Blind Guardian's music perfectly, and most of the fans sure seem captivated. He's got that medieval storyteller type vibe. Some people think he doesn't do enough...I don't think anyone's "right."

I was also at the Detroit and Cleveland shows and I'd say Russ is one of the best live singers I've seen (and in fact I liked him better than on the Odyssey songs live than I do on the album). I thought he had a good stage presence too...but actually I think that's about the same as James' stage presence. Neither one really says anything particularly special, but they do command attention and get the crowd involved.