Okay, confession: This was my first ProgPower. Being a bit more versed in mainstream alt metal, I am such a n00b to prog metal in general it's not even funny. But after last weekend, you have a believer
Originally I came out, of course, to support the Halcyon Way crew! I get a voicemail from Ernie at around 1:30 that Thursday, saying " Ummm, I hope you're free this evening, because, we need your services to, uh, dance, in front of about 1000 people, cause we just got asked to play ProgPower, so if you could give me a call back, that would be cool. Uh, yeah....." in this slightly dazed voice. So I'm thinking "okay, this'll be fun, etc. etc." Then I get to Center Stage and I'm floored by the sheer number of people and the energy buzzing around the place. It's only when I was on stage and actually turned and faced everyone who made it out for the very 1st band that I realized just how cool this event was going to be. Sometimes you
just know.
I may be biased, but IMHO Halcyon Way kicked off the festivities in fine style!

I'm very proud of them and their professionalism and it's awesome to see the faith that Hoyt & their management team has in their boys.
Then, during Krucible's and Cellador's sets, I'm like "what IS that?! this sh*t sound KEWL! I wanna dance, it's making me move!" So yes, I got some room in the photographers' moat and danced my heart out. Couldn't help it. Made it for Redemption and Pagan's Mind the next night (day job took up the earlier slots, sigh). EVERYONE was totally cool and I had so much fun, ladies and gents. You'd better believe I'm coming back next year. MUCH MUCH thanks to Halcyon Way for inviting me to be part of such an awesome event!