Idle Speculation

Justin G

Jul 28, 2007
Northern VA
I didn't see a general speculation thread for PPUSA XII, so here are a few bands I think we may see on next year's lineup:

Mob Rules
James LaBrie (for some reason I'm convinced he was the headliner that fell through a few years back)

This is not necessarily a wish list, just a list of bands I could see playing the fest. My wish list would have Saxon and Pretty Maids as headliners.
I'm on the boat as far as expecting XII to have Mob Rules. I would honestly be very surprised if they aren't on that bill. As far as speculation, there's a couple that come to mind. Whyzdom, Triosphere, Appearance of Nothing, Haken, Crimfall, Sinbreed and Aspera. As for headliners I'm thinking Symphony X and Blind Guardian as possibilities. I think it'll be like this year where one of the headliners will be a return and the second one will be new. Haven't a clue on who the new headliner might be except for maybe Rhapsody.
Aspera, Sinbreed, Triosphere, Myrath, Pretty Maids, Sabaton, Phonomik, Appearance of Nothing and others, and maybe Shadow Gallery, Van Cnato as the odd ball or maybe Crimfall
Aren't we due for a "Weapons of Mass Destruction" headlining show? One repeat band, Jon Oliva hasn't played there recently, voila!
Vandenplas was also promised a return, or more accurately, we were promised a Vandenplas return.
Mob Rules makes good sense. Glenn loved the recent disc and they haven't been on US soil yet.
Sanctuary...Glenn said Nevermore...Never again...but he still has another option to pay heed to.
Soul Cage
Sieges Even (lol I can always hope, right?)
I think the time might be good to give an old-guard band another chance. I think interest in these bands has been steadily rising in the past 7 years (since Rage) and giving a band like Saxon, Helstar, etc. a chance would probably yield better results in 2011.
I think the time might be good to give an old-guard band another chance. I think interest in these bands has been steadily rising in the past 7 years (since Rage) and giving a band like Saxon, Helstar, etc. a chance would probably yield better results in 2011.

I doubt many people would complain about Saxon. Glenn would probably book them in a heartbeat, but they are pretty pricey I would imagine to come over here for this. For me, this is the number one band I want to see that haven't, so if it was I'd be beyond ecstatic.
I doubt many people would complain about Saxon. Glenn would probably book them in a heartbeat, but they are pretty pricey I would imagine to come over here for this. For me, this is the number one band I want to see that haven't, so if it was I'd be beyond ecstatic.
Saxon would kick all kinds of traditional metal ass:hotjump:
Did anyone go to the Rocklahoma metal day in 2009? (The one with Saxon, Overkill, Metal Church, Anthrax) Did that day go off without a hitch? I really wanted to go but couldn't make it and stopped hearing news about it afterward, so I don't know if all the bands made it to the show and played and if the day was successful.
Morgana Lefay. Now that Charles is gone from Inmoria, perhaps this is a possibility.

I don't know what's going on in the Savatage camp these days, but considering Jon Oliva just released a new disc, it seems a little odd to think he might be looking toward a Savatage reunion. Especially with the JOP show happening in Florida right after the festival. I doubt they'd try to get all the guys together for a "reunion", and not make it into some kind of short (or long?) tour. But, hey, I've been wrong before, and I'd kill to see it.
TARJA TURUNEN. I have a hunch.
Tarja has become too diva-ish for PPUSA. The list of specs she requests would cost Glenn a fortune. Would be cheaper to bring in Ihsahn.

Unless Glenn has a change of heart, Dream Evil won't see this festival.

I think the repeat is Gamma Ray and they will headline. Rhapsody will be the other headliner. The oddball will either be The Answer or Airbourne. I don't really know about Gotthard playing PPUSA, TBH
Tarja has become too diva-ish for PPUSA. The list of specs she requests would cost Glenn a fortune. Would be cheaper to bring in Ihsahn.

Unless Glenn has a change of heart, Dream Evil won't see this festival.

I think the repeat is Gamma Ray and they will headline. Rhapsody will be the other headliner. The oddball will either be The Answer or Airbourne. I don't really know about Gotthard playing PPUSA, TBH

Really? I don't think The Answer or Airbourne would do well at this fest. I like them but I don't think it's something that could crossover into this fest. Just my two cents. What's wrong about Dream Evil?
Tarja has become too diva-ish for PPUSA. The list of specs she requests would cost Glenn a fortune. Would be cheaper to bring in Ihsahn.

Unless Glenn has a change of heart, Dream Evil won't see this festival.

I think the repeat is Gamma Ray and they will headline. Rhapsody will be the other headliner. The oddball will either be The Answer or Airbourne. I don't really know about Gotthard playing PPUSA, TBH

Airbourne, much as I love them, couldn't sell out the "Hell" section of the Masquerade, and have roughly 0% in common with this festival's identity.