The official ARBOUR thread


Lord and Liar
May 31, 2001
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The band ARBOUR has finalized a demo recording and are currently in search of a record deal.

You can read more about ARBOUR in this thread when I've got the time to write something decent about it.

Fans of Opeth, In Flames, Iron Maiden and Katatonia should check out this thread later.
Arbour has existed for nearly two years and consists of members from thrash/death/metal acts such as Disenchant, Pandemonium, In Vulnus Abire, and Contuctor.

The music played is difficult to categorize; though clearly and profoundly METAL, there is no set genre.

Most songs are about 8-10 minutes long, and are filled with variation and unifying themes. There is a lot of melody, riffing and exciting drumwork. The group uses three vocal forms at the moment, black metal vocals (about 70% of the time), death growls (about 20% of the time), and clean vocals (about 10% of the time).

ARBOUR has made one CD, "ALEIAN FIELDS", which isn't commercially available as of yet. The CD contains seven tracks and lasts about 70 minutes.

The plan is to distribute this CD to record companies in the big hope of scoring a deal.

Musically, ARBOUR incorporates a lot of different styles while remaining deeply rooted in metal. In some songs, there are elements from black and death metal, in others heavy or hard rock. Since the entire band composes the music, we have a lot of varying influences. It is impossible to mention all the great metal bands we love, but some if the most important influences are EDGE OF SANITY and IRON MAIDEN.

More later.