The Official Beer Thread


Omae wa mo shindeiru
Dec 23, 2004
Maybe I'm drunk, maybe I'm plastered,mybe I'm not typing that well... But why in the hell is there no official beer thread? Maybe there is? Regardless, this one now reigns supreme. I present to you all... THE OFFICIAL BEER THREAD... holy hell I'mdrunk.
hahahahaha damn dude, you still new around here? :loco:

There's like, schfourteen million beer threads. I suggest searching the archives for the thread titled "damn i'm drunk" as well as... hmm. Forgot the other name, but one of them has several magical stories about footbalm sleeping on pianos and jumping out of windows.
i suppose im still a noob. just drnk figured there wasnt anofficial thread k, lolzzxcjscvhjk THI SBEEER IS FUCKING GNASTY
Dude you're drinking piss warm Chango, I saw that picture!!! :ill:

I'm on my second Sam Adams Summer Ale WOO!!!
hahaha, nice. :( it is horrible, havnt had sam adams summer ale yet. (this place hs me becoming a beer as opposed to liquotr rinker) omg, the typing is hard
soon as I have a day where I can come home from my 12 hour "virtual slave labour' shift and not work the next day, i'm gonna be neeeeding to get hammered. and supposedly my friend has a wonderful "anti-cosmic beerbong of fear" all made up!!! :loco:

i hate my summer job.
I think we can all agree that Sam Adams, in its many forms, is the proverbial "tits". I need to find my drunk thread...
Yeah, I think I'll go get some Summer Ale to see what all the hype is about. That, or some Canadian Club Reserve (gotta love whiskey.)


...just cuz we got some for my brother since it looked silly...