Beer discussion thread

bavarian beer all the way

and especially this one:

note: Becks is not northern germany, its from regensburg which is in bavaria
Mad Dog Ulfhednar said:
Skullsplitter Viking Style Ale. The best part is that it's 8.5 abv. The worst part is that it's $8.40 a 4 pack- that and the brutal hangover the next day after bombing about 15 of them :muahaha:

Wow i want to try this beer. Can you buy it somwhere in the net??? :worship: :OMG:
SchultØr said:
I just remembered my bad-beer-experience in austria. I was in Vienna due to our "Kursfahrt" (vacation with the German intensive course) in grade 13. Every afternoon we went to "Billa" :p , an austrian super-market and bought beer. At the first day I bought several cans of beer, among them one called "Ottakringer" and "Ottakringer Radler" with lemon. I tried it but it tasted awful :ill: I never thought that Austrian beer would taste so bad...due to the fact that we had no other beer wich was drinkable we kept on buying it...and drinking it, too. ;) After a certain percentage (!) of blood-alcohol you don't care how the beer tastes. Sadly they simple have no shop were you can buy Met in Vienna :erk: . If you ever go there please buy just one of the cans and taste it. The "Ottakringer Radler" is relatively drinkable but the "Ottakringer Pils" - no way. Maybe its just because I am accustomed to german beers - sorry folks from Austria!


I'm drinking austrian beer now for about 8 years and i think i know where your mistake is.
WHY THE FUCKIN HELL DO YOU DRINK BEER MIXED WITH A SOFTDRINK. There is nothing more unholy on this planet than a RADLER.
And by the way. Ottakringer is bullshit. Try a STIEGL BEER and you know what a great Austrian beer tastes like!!

Greetings from Austria
I can't even pronounce half of the beers mentioned here let alone know what they taste like haha.
Goddamn Australia....

BUT as far as our limited range goes:

Carlton Draught (Infact I have a six pack with me right now...coincidence? I think NOT!)
Blue Tounge (expensive, but really nice)

And just to throw a bit of viking in the mix.....MEAD!!!!!!!!! Took me a while to get used to it but now I love the stuff. And considering we get it here it's probably shite! Haha.
One of my favourite pilsners is Ur-Krostritzer from Lützen or close to the Lützen area in Saxony. It has the head of the midnight lion, Gustavas Adolphus or Gustav II Adolf if you will, and the story goes that he once traded his ring to a cannister of the beer.