The Beer Thread


Your Executioner
Nov 23, 2001
yo mamas ass
hello and welcome to the beer thread
okay this is how it works
post a picture of your favorite beer or the beer you are currently drinking and why u like it.

My favorite beer is Guinness

I liek this beer because its very dark smooth and have a very hoppy taste to it.... many ppl dont like it because its too strong but i love this shit ITS AWSOME! Think black (almost ruby when held upto strong light)

Try it!
Man, I couldn't find a fucking picture and I'm not going to sign up for a membership to a site just for a picture.

I like Busch because it's cheap and has .4 more percent alcohol than regular beer. When I'm not drinking Busch my favorite is Bud Light bottles or Coors cans. I used to like MGD, but I like Bud Light better. When I have the money, I'll drink Sparks and Sapparo.
If I'm at a bar I'll drink Guiness. Its 100x times nicer in Ireland anyway :D :D :D

Another favorite would be
however if I'm in the mood for something not as strong, but smoother I'll go for

Although If I'm stuck for money I'll get the cheap irish beer called
althoug it can taste like blood from tins.