The Official Gaming Thread

if you enjoy fallout 3 and rpgs then do your self a favor and pick up S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

truly one of the best single player experiences i can remember.

But only if you don't mind dying. A lot.


Seldom hat an experience as intense as when I tried to reach the reactor first in the middle of an army raid. I wasn't even shooting at anyone, just running and thinking "oh shit oh shit oh shit" and amazingly survived on the first try.
Tried it.
the controlls sucked, uninstalld after about 1h play.
to be fair though, it was not as crappy as dead space, which was unplayable on pc.

shame, a truly unique game. i didn't have any problems with controls and what not, tho i played it with the complete 2009 mod which supposedly fixes a lot of the problems the devs missed.
MW2 - 360
Halo: Reach Beta - 360
Starcraft 2 Beta - PC (if anybody has a tag, hit me up!)
WoW, though not so excessively in recent months.
^ive been debating getting just cause 2, it seems like mercenaries 2, which i loved a lot

just got a gaming PC today, any reccomendations from anyone?

i have crysis (in the mail), mass effect, getting left 4 dead next week, and i suppose the newest games i own otherwise are age of empires 3 and FEAR

I was unsure of it myself, until I played the demo. That sold me. Was so much fun destroying shit.

I'd recommend you try Bioshock (1 before 2). It was just too much fun, and a different gaming experience to a lot of what I have played.
I also agree with trying S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. So intense.
Tried it.
the controlls sucked, uninstalld after about 1h play.
to be fair though, it was not as crappy as dead space, which was unplayable on pc.

Huh, that's kinda odd.. there were so many issues with that game (EVERYTHING had bugs at the start) but running and jumping worked fairly normal.. I can only urge you to try it again someday with patches!
I am not sure it was the running and jumping part (dont remember really).. but what i generally dislike with games is that they want to use the entire keyboard for random stuff..
(like DnD online.. a brazillion different windows to cover the entire screen, all with its own shortcut somewhere)

thats one of the reason why i love bethesda games.. ~10 buttons, and youre off, all playercontrolls and stats run through one console using <tab>.

(what was terrible with dead space however, was the running and jumping part, that i remember :))
Speaking of glitchy ass games, how bout that Fallout 3? Of course when considering a game of that peroration there's bound to be bugs, but not to that extent. I had to literally restart from scratch when I was near the end because the AI refused to move forward in a main mission. Don't know why I bothered since I didn't particularly care that much for the game in the first place ... or why I played all the dlc. Heh.
Speaking of glitchy ass games, how bout that Fallout 3? Of course when considering a game of that peroration there's bound to be bugs, but not to that extent. I had to literally restart from scratch when I was near the end because the AI refused to move forward in a main mission. Don't know why I bothered since I didn't particularly care that much for the game in the first place ... or why I played all the dlc. Heh.

hm.. i had no problems at all with it (just unluck.. the dropping of the space weapon thingie never occured throughout the entire game :()
ah thanks for the reccomendation soundjunkie, i played a demo of STALKER on my old computer but it was such a piece of shit (the computer that is) it barely ran. ill look into it!
ive heard it compared to metro 2033, ive been interested in that game but i might wait for it to go down in price

to Gumtree, i actually own bioshock 1 and 2 for my ps3! they were amazing games, i think ive beat them both through 3 or 4 times each

also, im glad people post spoiler alerts!!! thanks go to lisra for starting that :D
The original Stalker is long since budget price. Only the two other parts (one prequel and one.. dunno) are slightly more expensive. And despite all the bugs, they are great games.
got supreme commander 2 for 10$ and the witcher (gonan try tonight)

i love steam :D

anyone here excited for starcraft 2? ive been avoiding it at all costs, so when i play the game the only preconceptions ill have are from the units they released like a year ago :)
got supreme commander 2 for 10$ and the witcher (gonan try tonight)

i love steam :D

anyone here excited for starcraft 2? ive been avoiding it at all costs, so when i play the game the only preconceptions ill have are from the units they released like a year ago :)

The game itself is solid. Very true to the original. Aside from unit balance there haven't been too many problems with the game. Heck, the stuff they implement such as facebook friend finding went more smoothly in beta than most other companies can achieve in a full release. Also, they allowed for editor testing which just finished up a few days ago. People have already remade games like Tower Defense and BattleCraft. Apparently the editor is powerful enough to make games of all genres, not being limited to rts.
^sounds amazing, but blizzard is known to put out perfect games

i thnik for once i truely have faith that this sequal will live up to the original (which will be tough since its probably the best game ever :lol:)
2010 blew it's load far too early. Strongest first half and weakest holiday season lineup I've ever seen. Only game left this year I have to look forward to is Assassin's Creed Brotherhood ... At least the start of 2011 starts off with a bang. Let's just hope it can sustain a steady drip, unlike this year.
^ive enjoyed the first two AC games, i hope this one is as good, even if it seems like a spinoff just to make money...

all im looking forward to now is dragon quest 9, and starcraft 2, and golden sun DS is it comes out this year

and of course marvel vs capcom 3
2010 blew it's load far too early. Strongest first half and weakest holiday season lineup I've ever seen. Only game left this year I have to look forward to is Assassin's Creed Brotherhood ... At least the start of 2011 starts off with a bang. Let's just hope it can sustain a steady drip, unlike this year.
pssshhhhhhh. watching the clips from new vegas reminded me of some of the awsome and hilarious things i loved Fallout 3. black ops. i cant believe you are waiting from AC:b though, i heard there was 15 hrs of single player only. maybe you should pick up new vegas. 2011 is going to be huge. most anticipated release: portal 2 or the old republic or mvc 3 or details on an Elder Scrolls V