The Official Gaming Thread

Probably even less than 15 hours, but that matters not. Quality over quantity my friend, which is why I don't need more of Fallout 3.
Looking forward to Starcraft 2 and Kane and Lynch 2....and at some point I'm going to uy Metro 2033 and Singularity...when it gets cheap
Probably even less than 15 hours, but that matters not. Quality over quantity my friend, which is why I don't need more of Fallout 3. Plus it won a bunch of best of E3 for multiplayer from top sites. Next year looks insane on paper - Deus Ex 3, Mass Effect 3, Gears of War 3, Batman Arkham Asylum 2, Dead Space 2, Infamous 2, Spec Ops: The Line, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, Metal Gear Solid: Rising, and Mortal Kombat. If all those do come out in 2011 then it will be the greatest year in gaming yet.
side quests in fallout beat the repetitive god fighting of ac 1 and 2. the only real thing i love about ac is the amazing environment and total exploration and climbing mechanics are unparalleled, but it seems like brotherhood is almost all combat based, no CTF. i highly doubt Mass Effect 3. TOR bioware is saying is bigger than all the games they've made put together, and its gonna be their flagship next year.

^yeah i agree, fallout 3 should have had a decent 30 hour story instaed of about 10 hours of story and 300 hours of sidequests

he was talkn bout AC Brotherhood
AC Brotherhood will be an AC game so no it will not be primarily combat obviously.
possibly the dumbmest thing you've ever written i think. its not really an AC game. it doesn't follow any of the main story, its just like AC 2.5 with the same environment and more charatars and zomg more templars, kill em all !!1 i can imagine multiplayer as a cool idea, and then again i cant, if you have modes like race or CTF, i dont see how it can be balanced well at all. everyone picks ezio for speed and climbing missions and then picks the tank character for combat. on the other hand fallout new vegas seems to have a completly new environment the same size as 3's wash DC map and the mere fact of exploring 15 story casinos has a fresh appeal that lacks when i look at ACB, plus another protectron with a cowboy hat.
it seems to me like those statements confirm my fears more than put them at ease. seems to me that Ezio would want to meditate on what he learned instead of trying to get back the artifact that he already used its purpose for. im an obsidian fanboi, with more hours in kotor 2 and alpha protocal than many other rpg, so i definitly want to see this matchup for my self, but we'll see, we both know that it'll win more GotY's than AC
Looking forward to Starcraft 2 and Kane and Lynch 2....and at some point I'm going to uy Metro 2033 and Singularity...when it gets cheap

kane and lynch 1 had possibly the greatest and most underrated multiplayer of all time

also i thought the combat in assassins creed was a lot of fun, silent hidden blade kills never get old imo, and exploration was fun, and so was seeing the huge cites from the rooftops :). although on another note i only play them once and never go i never get much replay from them.
and i'll probably play them both again in preperation for brotherhood, and again for AC3 (when it comes out in like......2-3 years :()
I've tried to play fallout 3 after playing oblivion for a month or so, and it just felt like another like another boring oblivion expansion set.Same voice acting,even the main quest is as short as oblivion's .
spent most of yesterday playing starcraft 2 :D. in my opinion anyone who enjoyed the first game and remembers it fondly will love what they did with two

i find it holds true to the original, while at the same time expanding on nearly everything, new units are introduced, and the races all feel very different now, yet it still is incredibly balenced. they did away with a bunch of the useless units (like those terran bikes, the ones with spider mines, i forget their names, started with a v i think....wish theyd kept golaiths though...)

story mode is al ot of fun, they added a lot so that it doesnt just feel like your playing scenarios all the time, but you have a lot of story unique upgrades

the unit cap is still 200, but it feels like a lot compared to warcrafts 90/120. i had a match with a friend yesterday and won by sending in 17 battlecruisers, it was a massacre

my only complaints are that zerg cannot infest, dark archons are gone (but zerg can mind control i think), and nukes feel weak :)

still excellent game so far :D, looking forward to playing it a lot tonight :D
agreed. kinda dissapionted the story twist they took on it though, and the extremly happy ending that no one would have guessed after beating brood war, but it almost brought a tear to my eye regardless. goty hands down for me
Trate de comprar Starcraft 2 pero, valia mil pinches pesos !!! Igual y lo compro cuando baje de precio ...
I've played oblivion now for about 65h and I'm not finished, so... short is something else.
Yes, you could probably finish the mainquest before getting to lvl 10, but who'd want that? No one plays that game for the main quest.
If you're willing to buy oblivion just go for the sidequests first, because if you just go for the main quest instead, you'd be beating it in less than 4 hours and you'll just lose interest in the game afterwards.