The Official "I Can't Sleep" Thread


Nov 4, 2004
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
well who knows how many of you have this problem, and even if nobody decides to respond or talk on this thread at least itll gimme something to tire myself with. aaahhhh i cant sleep!! and its like 90 fuckin degrees, holy hell. i swear to god today when my guitarist came i had about 6 fans around my set, i thought i was gonna die.sleeping is such a bitch. first you gotta try 40950 positions to see what fits for the night, then you gotta adjust depending on how hot it is, then if you cant do it you start fidgiting alot and end up hitting something. then you get real mad cos nothing works, so your make alot of noise while flippin around in your bed. arrghh. and now my back itches really fuckin bad.....damn i need some suggestions to help fall asleep!!

except, no midget porn darg. in fact, nothing to do with the genital area or small people. :D
WIntersReflection said:
you can just give up on sleeping and watch a horror movie with me an' my other friends! ;) (well virtually)

ah yes, a good idea indeed :D only i dont know many good horror movies.

Wishmaster said:
I hope that nights like that in PA aren't as bad as those nights are here in Atlanta... in August.

eh they are pretty bad, especially know with how god damn hot it is!

(chemical wedding, good choice :headbang: )
lady_space said:
Honey, it gets so hot here in August that at night with the AC on and a fan going, no jammies and just a sheet, I might get lucky and not wake up sweating. :p

oh man that does stink. well it was 87 last night, thats is pretty hot...probably not as hot as down there though. ah but i always need a cover, is there anybody else hear that cant sleep without one??
No-Mercy said:
oh man that does stink. well it was 87 last night, thats is pretty hot...probably not as hot as down there though. ah but i always need a cover, is there anybody else hear that cant sleep without one??

I do....I always feel like Gay midgets are watching me through my window...I don't want them to get a peep show..even though I don't sleep naked. Greg, if you can't sleep tonight get online and I will send you Be by Pain of will put you to sleep...even though it still kicks ass!
I couldnt sleep the other day but that was cause I chased a kid and he actually evaded me. But then I got him the next day and I slept much better.
I am not a world famous psycholgist even though I pretend to be an actor who plays one on TV. Having said that.... 97.5% of insomnia is mental not physical. If I were to all of a sudden become 13 years old, I probably wouldn't sleep for a week, but that's not going to happen. Without trying to be some stupid old fart who feels obligated to say being 13 years-old is rough and you'll outgrow it, I have to. You are 13 years old and your mind and body are changing. It is normal. You'll live through it buddy !! If you stay here long enough, I'll go through my mid-life crisis and you might have to even give me some pointers bud !!

Greg, you also may notice you are getting hair in wierd places, don't be frightened...and something else might pop out of your pee-pee hole besides urine :D

Also, if you get an erection when you touch a rusty spoon don't be frightened, just let it take hold :loco:
Already, I am feeling like a kid on christmas eve,....hits me now and then, ProgPower is getting soooooo close!.....thats something I'm not able to get to sleep over lately!!!...anyone else have this problem? :loco:
LadySteele said:
Already, I am feeling like a kid on christmas eve,....hits me now and then, ProgPower is getting soooooo close!.....thats something I'm not able to get to sleep over lately!!!...anyone else have this problem? :loco:

I had a nightmare about it last night! I was sooooo happy when I woke up. Actually this is the 3rd night in a row I have had a nightmare about Progpower, and I am really serious, I am not kidding
Imagikafan said:
Did Stratovarius play a 3 hour set?

hey, hey , hey....there are Strato fans on here! :cool:

nah what happened was I went Friday...and when I got back to the hotel, I realized I couldn't remember any of the bands that played except the first 2, except the first 2 that played were Redemption and Dreamscape....what the fuck, I don't like when my mind gets fucked in my sleep! :yell:
Thanks for defending the honor of the Strato fans!.(big hug) (bought tkts to see them 2 wks after PP as well.-3 hours would be a dream come true for me thankyou)
No more nightmares I hope!, only sweet dreams of all there is in store!...that is of course if one can get to sleep!
dargormudshark said:
Greg, you also may notice you are getting hair in wierd places, don't be frightened...and something else might pop out of your pee-pee hole besides urine :D

Also, if you get an erection when you touch a rusty spoon don't be frightened, just let it take hold :loco:

That's pretty gross Darg !! I wasn't giving the guy "the birds and the bees" talk. I was speaking more about harmonal things. That stuff short circuits your brain for a while.
You just wait until you get your Uncle Bryant's age Darg. Hair starts popping out of wierd places again and falls out of places it's always been. :loco:
