The Official I GOT MY TICKETS! Thread

Yup. I'm an OGB (Original Gold Badge holder), but I needed to get a ticket for my boyfriend. I'm very excited that he'll finally get to meet everyone! He was in Europe with his band Attacker last year, but he's coming with me this year. You can all congratulate us on our upcoming wedding. :headbang:

I count 30 some odd tickets so far and it's only been 10 minutes.

Chalk up 2 more, despite TicketBastard and some of thier bullshit charges.

#ifdef RANT

Okay, I can understand the "processing fee", but that "convience charge" is just plain bullshit. Also, why the fuck do they charge you money to e-mail a ticket, but it is free to get a paper ticket snail-mailed to you? You'd think emailing a ticket would virtually cost them nothing, so you know they are racking up pure profit off anybody that take the e-mail option! Needless to say, since the damn event is not until October, I opted to take the free option to just get the things snail-mailed to me. I avoid giving TicketBastard any more of my money than absolutly necessary.

#endif // RANT
I cant wait now for the show, but at least i'll be going to the testament concert in Puerto Rico in april and symphony x in new york so it will be a nice wait!!!! congrats to all you that already have youre ticket cheers!!!:headbang: :kickass: :headbang: :kickass: :headbang: :kickass: :headbang: :kickass:
I'm my two even though I'm not enthused right now.I feel like blah,even though I really want to be there this year...must have been a long night at work
Got pre-empted from attending for the first time last year due to scheduling. At least I never got tickets cause I could see the train-wreck coming months before. :mad:

But I got my tickets this year and God-willing I'll be there :headbang: (spent money is a great motivator for prioritizing activities). Gonna make some hotel reservations in a couple of weeks.

Yet another ProgPower Virgin :saint: for this gentle please.