The Official "I'm All Booked Up And Ready To Go" Thread

I already got burned once. I booked hotel and airfare the last time they announced Novembers Doom, only to be disappointed by the rest of the line up and find out ND would be in my area the week following CPF. At this point, I'm in a holding pattern, waiting for the rest of line up to fully materialize. I'd dying to finally visit Chicago, so I'm hoping this line up pans out.


Well I can pretty much say that it's 99.99999% certain we won't be playing anywhere else during that time. I don't foresee us doing any kind of touring until the new cd comes out, and right now that looks to be not until June/July. The Powerfest is the only scheduled gig we have in the near future. It's also a pretty safe bet that we'll be debuting some of the new material at this show too.

Hope you do make it, we'd love to have you here!
Well I can pretty much say that it's 99.99999% certain we won't be playing anywhere else during that time. I don't foresee us doing any kind of touring until the new cd comes out, and right now that looks to be not until June/July. The Powerfest is the only scheduled gig we have in the near future. It's also a pretty safe bet that we'll be debuting some of the new material at this show too.

Hope you do make it, we'd love to have you here!
Thanks. And I'm dying to see you guys and get a sneak preview of the new material.

Ironically, I think the folks this announcement might be best for, is actually Novembers Doom. You guys will likely play in front of a packed house, of folks who are largely unfamiliar with your music, but who have some inclination towards aggressive music. I suspect the place will be packed to gills with kids who are looking to mosh, and songs like "Rain" should send the place into a frenzy.

Regardless of whether we make it, I hope you guys put on a great show.

Finally got off my lazy ass and booked 3 nights at the Super8 today! They said that there are about 20 rooms left...

'Bout time! :kickass:

There will be 21 rooms left. I decided to book a different room since I couldn't get what I wanted in the rooms set aside for the fest. I'll be canceling my original reservation soon, so if anyone wants a room in the "block", here's your chance. ;)