The Official MegustaMucho is French Thread

i like getting home after work and just getting an msn from saying "You Bastard!"

oh jesus, blood/skin/drinking aside, if you live in quebec you are french, case closed.
imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:
i know :lol:
then i'll move to finland or germany and laugh @ everyone
but you live in BC, Just be a mountaineer journeyman! CAVE HERMITS FTW :O

@Megusta: All logics and critical thinking aside, Quebec is Cana-France. The people are French.
CliffBurton said:
but you live in BC, Just be a mountaineer journeyman! CAVE HERMITS FTW :O

@Megusta: All logics and critical thinking aside, Quebec is Cana-France. The people are French.

you're slow dude :P we are NOT french we SPEAK french, it's different.
MegustaMucho said:
If we separate, all of Canada will have an encomic crisis. Why? Because Quebec pays more taxes than every other province in Canada.
ORLY? Separatism is something SO NOT traumatic to a country, and everyone walks away happy from it!
Marcio is originally born(dunno where) of parents from costa0rica and nicaragua. If they wouldnt have moved, he would be spanish but now he is in a province who speaks french. But that province is composed by many etchnic group like jew, italian, european, english cunts aswell. So, he's a neo spanish-francophone, with spanish blood and no french blood, who live in canada and in the french part.
Bastard child said:
But that province is composed by many etchnic group like jew, italian, european, english cunts aswell.
Jewish isnt an ethnicity, its a religeon. There is no country called Jewidia, and its possible to have Spanish Jews, English Jews, and all taht.

anyway I thoght the retardedness of this thread would have showed I wasnt being serious, everyone calm your shit.