French Thread - For People Who Speak French

Lake_Laiho said:
2 years of french, failed every test and exams.. Mainly cos the teacher didn't have a soul .. oh wait.. :rolleyes:
funny cause I think french would suit you :D
Specially after bumping that pic of you that ye posted.... :loco:
:lol: well... I don't look anything like that but.. French people dont have souls..(edited post:P) and neither do Icelandic people.. so yeah, can't argue with that.
To answer a question recently post, theres multiple way of saying fuck in french: criss, tabarnak, calice. All those words refers to religion, criss comes of christ in jesus christ and its that kind of words you cant say to a teacher:p
Quelle belle représentation de ce magnifique et splentide dessin représenté par nous entreintions de combattion.