French Thread - For People Who Speak French

BloodyScalpel said:
Nothing is french sounds harsh.
Everything sounds pink and with flowers :D

thats not what french literally is. its always sumthing like "loth this and irid that" do not pronounce "e"s without the accents, do not pronounce "r"s at all and when youre reading a text dont pronounce the 80% of the letters written etc.
-|Testament|- said:
thats not what french literally is. its always sumthing like "loth this and irid that" do not pronounce "e"s without the accents, do not pronounce "r"s at all and when youre reading a text dont pronounce the 80% of the letters written etc.
drag queens here have a similar phonetic system :D
Turbo said:
ive herd English is a fucking hard language to learn as well.
it's not :D

@Daphne: that's not what I meant actually...:tickled:
The letter we don't pronounce, we should have pronounced
I was just making fun of french speaking people comparing them to drag queens:p
-|Testament|- said:
Turbo, ah get out. even though its not my main language sumtimes i can express myself better in english than my native language. its sooo easy to learn and fun too. cant be compared with french

I obviously know shit, thank you for enriching my knowledge.