The Official Ozzfest 2007 thread

Aaron Smith

Envisage Audio
Feb 10, 2006
Seattle, WA
Just thought I would designate this thread as the place for attendees to post their opinions about Ozzfest this year.

I went today, the first day of the tour...because it was free. My first Ozzfest. The sound was quite terrible for the most part, at least on the Jagermeister stage...I didn't stick around for any main stage stuff. A majority of the time, the bass frequencies were pushed so freaking hard that it sounded like the stage woofers were going to explode...they were all farty and sounded like they were either too small of speakers or they were just underpowered and the amps were being pushed to the max. The kick drum was basically not audible, and the bass guitar almost always drowned out the guitars. IT WAS LIKE THIS FOR EVERY BAND, and I don't think it was one sound guy the whole time. Is this usual for the sound at Ozzfest to be crap?

Other than that, I also realized just how many weird hick/Hot Topic people come out of hiding for Ozzfest. I'm talking people who would never go out of their way to see any of the bands on their own tours, but as soon as Ozzfest rolls through town...oh boy, it's time to put on the oversized raver pants and knee boots with 50 straps and fishnet sleeves and wear a gas mask in 90 degree weather...that's right, a gas mask. Just, complete weirdos everywhere, it was amazing.

Like I said, I haven't been to any of the previous Ozzfests, but for those of you who have and will attend this year, I'm curious how the whole feel of things stacks up compared to when the tickets were $80.
Other than that, I also realized just how many weird hick/Hot Topic people come out of hiding for Ozzfest. I'm talking people who would never go out of their way to see any of the bands on their own tours, but as soon as Ozzfest rolls through town...oh boy, it's time to put on the oversized raver pants and knee boots with 50 straps and fishnet sleeves and wear a gas mask in 90 degree weather...that's right, a gas mask. Just, complete weirdos everywhere, it was amazing.

LOL those are the people buying the records!
ok here:

the sound was pretty bad all around. They fucking ruined behemoth. the pa was cutting out on certain speakers and all i could hear was the kick and vox. Lordi was lame, static x sounded good, but i'm not a fan. Lamb of god slayed it, and their sound was pretty good, although the drums needed some tweaking.

it was pretty good.
I don't think the fact that it's free has anything to do with the horrible sound. In 2005 the sounds was really horrible, I wasn't at 2nd stage in 2006 but I imagine it was the same.
Saw Lamb of God with Hatebreed, Behemoth and 3 Inches of Blood in Houston on an offdate... old friends of mine, so, I VIPed it up... saw some Behemoth.. their sound was shit, but, their performance was on... not a bad crowd reaction.

Missed 3 inches all together by the time I got there.... Behemoth was on after.

Anyhow.. Hatebreed got the crowd going... they sounded good, and they're really good guys, although their music's not really my thing.

LoG crushed.. its crazy how much better they've gotten since that first tour with The Haunted and Dimmu being the very first opener.. and now they'd be the headliners...

They told me I had to come up to San Antonio for Ozzfest... I knew 3 guys on the crew also, so... we went... we got there REAL late... LoG was on at the time, if that tells you anything...

Went to a second stage afterparty/barbecue... food crushed, dunno who provided it.

Drinks with LoG, Hatebreed, DevilDriver, DAATH, Behemoth, Egypt Central [not familiar with em] and Im sure some others... but anyone else I wouldnt know.

Good times, despite the venue staff being a bunch of rude fucks... until they see laminates, then their entire attitude changes.

So that's that.

2005 was the best lineup they'll ever have.