i hope there is never another song with a 20 minute "ambient intro", ive never listened to church of the machine, because i have adhd or some shit, cant even make it through that intro, just hit skip.
i want another instructional dvd from romeo, i want sweet chords like sphere of souls use, i want sweet solos, i dont want romeo to harmonize his own solos, unless he can do that shit live, thats what a keyboard player is there for. I want pinella to buy the same keyboard as rudess uses on the budokhan dvd because that sounds sweet, i want more crazy rhythmic bits like in accollade, i want more crazy neoclassical influenced songs like sea of lies (so good, so very very good)
and i think somewhere on the album, there should be a beatdown, but a tech beatdown with crazy rhythms and squeals, to show all the hardcore bands how its done.
that last suggestion wasnt entirely serious