The Official PARADISE LOST: Thoughts, Predictions, and Review Thread

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forgive the 5-min photoshop job, but i imagine it may look a little something like this:


That looks insanely hilarious! :lol: have a rep point or two, on me...
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and he never would because he doesnt have the right 'image' - ie barely pubescant, drug-addict frame and complexion, distinct lack of talent that seems to be required to make it in the charts.. thankgod for that!

Bleh, yeah--we don't need that. I like MJR just the way he is, thank you very much.

That photo is scary, though. You should show him would be just one more blessing for him to count in the morning, that he's not like that. ;)
don't be bringin' down the vibe dude - we are all as anxious for it to come out as you are but we have been through enough shift fights over it..chill, relax, have some morphine..
I actually like not getting Studio Updates, 'cause it helps us to keep in mind the things in life taht are really important:

Danceboy and Battletoads!!

i hope there is never another song with a 20 minute "ambient intro", ive never listened to church of the machine, because i have adhd or some shit, cant even make it through that intro, just hit skip.

i want another instructional dvd from romeo, i want sweet chords like sphere of souls use, i want sweet solos, i dont want romeo to harmonize his own solos, unless he can do that shit live, thats what a keyboard player is there for. I want pinella to buy the same keyboard as rudess uses on the budokhan dvd because that sounds sweet, i want more crazy rhythmic bits like in accollade, i want more crazy neoclassical influenced songs like sea of lies (so good, so very very good)

and i think somewhere on the album, there should be a beatdown, but a tech beatdown with crazy rhythms and squeals, to show all the hardcore bands how its done.


that last suggestion wasnt entirely serious
You don't want much do you... :P Actually what you suggest, THat would be cool! I suppose Death Of Balance from V was sort of like that, but yeah, they can do some awesome rhythmic stuff, that would be a great way to showcase it... Also, Sea Of Lies is one of my favourite songs also, and yeah I agree it would be great to see more like that...
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