The Official Peavey XXX Thread

How does this amp sound with 6L6's. I have the 3120 w/ EL34's and I'm wondering whether or not it's worth the funds to get a set of 6L6's to try out.

Had the 6l6s in mine, sounded great, swapped them for 34s and its still great, just has a tighter bite and sounds more aggressive. Dont forget to adjust the bias, and yeah, keep the bastard on the loose setting, thats where it sounds its thickest.
It has a lot of little things that could have prevented you from totally digging it. It may not have been to your tastes, but hard to say. I feel Rectos are more fizzy than Peaveys usually (and Peaveys do have some fizz), but YMMV, and tastes are subjective.

I think the XXX can definitely sound a bit thin if the damping is set to tight. I say ALWAYS RUN THE AMP ON THE LOOSE SETTING. Even on loose, it's still plenty tight. If you're not familiar with the amp, probably something most people don't even think about.

+1 on the damping setting.
Unless you need super ultra tight and you're playing an 8 string/detuned 7 string, I tend to think Loose is plenty tight even on a 7 string with B standard tuning.
To the guys that have a Triple X or at least tried it out: Would you say it's a versatile amp? Like can it be used for a lot of different styles or is it more or less a Metal-only amp?
I dunno, it basically does extremely clean or very high gain, it's really hard to get it to crunch up (the crunch channel has just as much gain as the ultra, but is more focused in the midrange) wouldn't really call it that versatile an amp myself.
To the guys that have a Triple X or at least tried it out: Would you say it's a versatile amp? Like can it be used for a lot of different styles or is it more or less a Metal-only amp?
Pretty much metal only, the clean channel leaves a lot to be desired but damn man that ultra channel...
I dunno, it basically does extremely clean or very high gain, it's really hard to get it to crunch up (the crunch channel has just as much gain as the ultra, but is more focused in the midrange) wouldn't really call it that versatile an amp myself.
Pretty much metal only, the clean channel leaves a lot to be desired but damn man that ultra channel...
Thanks for the info. :rolleyes: